Second Year: Part 1

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The second year came and with it, the Quidditch Trails.

That year, James convinzed (who was in his fourth year and would be captain next year) Rose to go to the Try-outs.

Scorpius and Al also went, Al tried for Seeker, Scorpius for Chaser and Rose for Keeper, the tree won places.

-Hey Rosie!!!

-Hey guys, something wrong?

-Could you please tell Scorpius that the Chudley Cannons have no chance against Puddlemore?

-And could you tell Albus that Puddlemore are going to get beat down by the Chudley Cannons?

-Not again!!!

Rose let her head drop backwards.

-Don't you have more important things to worry about?

The two boys quickly followed Rose down the library hall.

-Rose, you're the only one that studies on the first week of school.

-Yeah, you've got to relax a little.

She stuck her tounge put at them and then ran her fingers threw the books bindings.

-You know me, I like to be prepared. Plus, we come to school to learn, not to relax.

-Well, I heard that Julie and Fred'll be throwing a party in the Room of Requirments today at night.

Scorpius helped Al out.

-And I heard that everyone'll be going.

Rose looked at them with the hint of a smile.

-Guys... have you been to one of their parties, we're 12 years old for Merlin's sake!!!

-Come on Rosie!!! It'll be fun. And, if you get bored we'll go immediatly.

Rosie turned around to give him an excuse of why she couldn't go... and the lie died in her lips.

She couldn't say a word because of the way Scorpius was looking at her.

His gray eyes were warm, looking at her like her opinion was the only thing that mattered, like she was the only thing that mattered.

That was the first time she actually just stopped and looked at him.

She looked at how his sliver-blond like hair refused to stay plastered on one side, and how it semmed to have little spikes pointing in every direction.

At how his angled face looked as though it'd been carved from stone.

At how his mercury gray eyes seemed to have little sparks of blue here and there.

She relized that he kinda looked like a watercolor.

And he was looking right back at her.

At how her indomable red hair was escaping her braid.

At her warm blue eyes, with those long lashes.

At her expression, she looked as though someone had knoked the air out of her chest.

He looked at the freckles on her cheeks and nose.

She looked like she'd been painted with relife against the world.


Rose was quickly walking away from the party.

The music was too loud, she'd lost her best friends in the crowed and she felt as though she couldn'd breath, she walked down the hall until she got to a little balcony, the one that had a tiny swamp beside it (from one of her uncles Fred and George pranks) she wanted air.

Bad idea.

Because the balcony was already ocuppied by two familiar faces.

Fred and Julie.

They were kissing.

Julie's back was against the wall, her eyes closed, one of her hands resting against Freddie's chest and the other one cupping part of his neck and cheek.

He was holding her by the hips, giving her slow, sweet, breath-taking kisses.

Rose turned around to leave...

-Rosie? What's wrong?

She turned back around at the sound of Julie's voice.

Julie and Fred got a bit closer to her, the first one with a concerned face.

Julie had always been like a big sister to Rose, she could be rude and pushy at times, but if there was something wrong, she'd consoul you and ask who she needed to kill.

Julie looked nothing like her dad. Her skin was pale, almost white, her eyes were a light green tone, she was quite short. The only thing she had in common with her dad was her hair. A deep brown that she always decorated with at least a tiny braid.

That day her hair was loose with a single braid framing her face.

She wore dark colors, as always.

Fred, on the other hand was all his father.

Red hair, freckles and brown eyes.

He was like Julie, pushy and rude but if something was wrong... well, he and Julie had embaressed enough kids to give you an idea.

Me and my family had caught them kissing so many times, -in his bedroom, in Weasley Wizard Wheazels, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the Burrow, in the living room, her bedroom, in a bathtub (don't ask)- that it didn't even bother them anymore.

-Rosie -Fred's voice kicked away my thoughs- you okay?

-Yeah, it's just... to little room to much music.

Julie's smile was both playfull and compasive.

-Don't worry, you'll get used it. Right Freddie?

They were looking at each other like they always did, with love, admiration, playfullness and something else I couldn't quite describe.

-Of course, we weren't always the party kings you see now.

They exchanged a look, two peolpe who shared a secret.

-You want us to go with you to the Comun Room?

-No I'm okay, I think I'll try giving it another shot before going to bed.

-Whatever you say girl.

Julie was still looking at me, while Fred was back at looking at her with so much tenderness.

As I started walking back at the party I heard a silent thud, of when Julies's back hit the wall again and I wondered.

What would it be like to have someone look at me the way Fred looked at Julie?

Like I was the only thing worth looking at, like I was the most precius diamond in the world, like I was a beam of light in the middle of the darkness.

For a few seconds I allowed my head to imagine a pair of gray mercury eyes looking at me like that.

How would that feel?

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