Chapter 1

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When I was younger my parents died. In fact they were murdered by rouges, and unfortunately for those very unlucky rouges they died. In a painful way. Anyway, my parents were greatly respected by the pack, no they weren't the alpha or beta, but in fact the head warriors. Well my father was anyway, so they were pretty respected.

At the time I was pretty young, around the age 4. My brother meanwhile was 9, so he new a bit more of what was going on.

I'll just explain the basics of their death. It was a pretty much ordinary day, sun in the sky, no clouds in sight. Well it was my Father's Day of from patrol or work as I called it, cause it was. It hardly ever happened so me being the four year I was wanted to have a family day, yay!

So during mid-day we were having a nice picnic by a lake. I was playing by the water while my parents and brother were eating some sandwiches.

Then unfortunately for us our relaxing moment was cut short by some growls that didn't sound to friendly. So my father being the protective one he's is told our mother to get my brother and I to safety, then he proceeded to change into his wolf and fight the wolves.

There about six wolves present during the time and I presumed my father had already mind linked the pact to notify them. While the rouges where distracted by my father, mother told Ben my brother to run and not to look back whilst she got me. Because I was still at the lakeside.

Mother managed to get me, but that had altered a couple of the rouges. In the middle of getting away, a rouge managed to get me out of her arms and in that time of distraction I witnessed my mother killed. My father, must've have sensed her death and froze mid-fight. Then only to have his throat ripped out, instantly killing him.

Just as my parents were killed, the pack warriors showed up and proceeded to kill the left over rouges, as my father had managed to kill a few.

My brother had witnessed the whole thing, instead of running away like he was told. But that was be expected.

We where then taken to the pack hospital and we're cleaned up. Since we didn't have any other family on the pack, except for our grandparents who were out of the pack for vacation. We were put into the orphanage.

Later that week I then found out my brother had an immense hatred towards me, believing I was the reason our parents died. Although I was deeply hurt by the accusation I let be just thinking it was just him going through his stages of grief.

Sadly for me, it wasn't just a stage and he continued belittling me and hating me throughout the rest of my childhood years. Somehow he had managed to get some others to believe that to.

As I said at the time I was only four, so it was quite hard on me to hear this from my brother just after we had witnessed our parents deaths. But surprisingly it only took me two years to get over his attitude, though I was still sad about our parents death, just not as much.

Ben started his training to become a warrior at the age of twelve, wanting to be just like our father. I, also wanting to be just like father and wanting my brother to be proud of me. Started training at the age of six. Of course I was to young to train with everyone else so I got a family friend to train me.

Frank had known and worked with my father for years, so when asking him he agreed,mostly not taking me seriously. But after showing me the basics and seeing how well and seriously i took the training, we gradually got into some harder things.

Outside of our lessons I spent my time watching the other warriors and learning their techniques and practicing them myself. I wanted to be at the best of my abilities, not only physically but mentally as well. I considering studying my relaxation time.

No of the other kids had witnessed my training, so the only time they saw me, I was studying. Doing all this at a young age, well willing participating in learning outside of school earned me quite a few bullies. But I didn't mind, I found everything I did had purpose and it was entertaining. I learned new things everyday day, I wasn't going to succeed in making my brother proud of me being dumb.

At the age of twelve i found that Frank had taught me everything he'd known, and from all my studying I had a high intelligence. Hence me skipping a couple of grades.

My brother being seventeen at the time, still hated me. But had stopped the insults, well only when others were around.

Anyway it didn't bother me, if he wanted to treat me like that he could. Who was I to stop him?

Frank saw my potential and took to the alpha, where I then demonstrated my abilities. The alpha was very impressed and found my skills useful and offered me an important job.

He had said I could decline if I wanted, but if I were to take the job nobody must know, not even Frank. So me wanting to please my alpha took the job.

Turns out I was to be his little assassin, but I didn't mind if it protected the pack and pleased my alpha I would do anything.

I made a name out of myself during my work. 'Alvah' is what they call me, which it's Hebrew in origin and the meanings evil or immoral. When I say they, I mean the people that find the body's.

I dont believe I'm evil or immoral. I'm just following orders and if my alpha wants them gone, then their gone. I decided to humour them and started to write an 'A' on my work.

My name is Cindy Keeler,
Im sixteen now,
I'm 5'2,
I have blonde hair, and green eyes.

I'm a sadist,
Oh! And definitely a masochist.
I guess my line of work dose that to you, lol, probably not. I am a special girl after all.
16th September 2017
1075 words

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