Chapter 4

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After discussing the basic details for my mission. Alpha Jones handed me a file containing more in-depth aspects, that I would need to know.

When receiving the files for my missions, they are always on paper. As Alpha Jones and I, were firm believers that technology was not to be trusted. Important information such as this, could always be viewed by a highly skilled hacker, and if the information were to be leaked. Well, there would be loads of trouble for the pack, and most defiantly for me.

But luckily so, I had a photographic memory. So once having to read, all the necessary information, I burn all the files and all contents related to the mission, so its never to be seen again. Unless, Alpha Jones were to write it out again, which would be highly unnecessary.

"Would that be all, Alpha?" I question. After receiving a nod in return, I stand up and make my way to the door.

"Cindy." I stop, turning my head towards him, to indicate I'm listening.

"Good luck." Was his soft response.

"Who needs luck." I replied, chuckling as I continued on my way to the door.


Making my way down stairs, I hear a small squabble going on.

"How could you not tell me you had a sister!" A voice I could only presume belonged to my brothers mate. Who, I have still, yet to learn the name of.

"It never came up!" Was the lame response my brother gave. But ouch, its been years since our parents death, why the hell cant he forgive me. I did nothing wrong! If he wanted someone to blame, why cant he blame the border patrollers that day. Jeez, if it weren't for them those rouges wouldn't have crossed the boarder.

Not wanting to be the cause of their dispute any longer, I make my presence known. Catching Ben's attention, resulting in me earning a glare from him. Great, all the more reason for him to dislike me.

Following his glaze, the female brunette also catches sight of me. Surprised makes its way onto her face, before converting into a warm smile. Giving Ben a small glare, she passes him and makes her way over to me.

Sticking her hand out, she introduces herself.

"Hi, I'm Bens mate. Rachel."

Taking her hand, I do the same.

"Cindy, nice to finally meet you." Mmm ... maybe by getting close to Rachel, it will help in mending the broken relationship between Ben and I. Seems like this lady, just became my new favorites person.

Letting go, she continues, while sending another small glare towards my brother.

" I know right. I mean, considering Ben and I have been together for a couple of years. Yet, he failed to mention you once, ah he's so forgetful sometimes."

" Yeh, forgetful." I murmur. Having not the time to spend a few more minutes chatting, due to the file I still have to go over. I give an apologetic smile.

"How about I give you my number and we can catch up another time. I can see your all busy, besides, I've got some work to do." I said, while holding up the file I had clutched in my right hand.

"Oh, okay." Rachel responded. Giving her my number, in the corner of my eye I could see Ben frowning, obviously not happy with our number exchange. He should know I'm only doing it for him. Whatever makes him happy, will perhaps do the same for me. Besides Rachel seems like a nice girl, and I need more friends, more specifically a friend. I've come to realise I'm not very social, not that it bothers me. But I suppose having one friend wont hurt.

Having done exchanging numbers, I give a quick goodbye and make my way towards the door. All while, having Alpha Chris stare at the file I held in my hands. Most probably dying to know what's it about. But unfortunately for him, he will never get the satisfaction of knowing.

Having made my way out the front door, I begin to set off, on the familiar path to home. Being only sixteen, I wasn't old enough to own my own house. But thankfully, Alpha Jones had made some arrangements so it was possible.

Sighing softly, the only thought clouding my mind was that, Alpha Jones was such a wonderful person. I'm glad, I can replay his kindness by completing the tasks he asks me to do.


30th September, 2017

750 words.

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