Chapter 7

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Without struggling, I let them drag me to my feet. The sharp hold on my arms, had me thinking my circulation was soon to be cut off. The two men by my sides, looked to be on some type of steroids, they were beefy as fuck. The one on the left, having brown hair, seemed to be a regular pack member. However, the one on the right, had some form of power radiating from him. Telling me he was third in command. As the Beta was standing in front of me, going of how the power he was emitting was to weak to be an alpha. But, I wouldn't be surprised considering how pathetic this pack is.

 I can't help but squeeze my legs together, as they take in the sight of their fallen pack mates. The horror and anger present in their faces, doing unimaginable things to my body. Shit, it made me wanna rip them to pieces, just to be found all over again to see their priceless expressions.  

The Betas quick to mask his face, but I can still see the anger brimming behind his eyes. Turning his head, they lock onto mine, an ever so present sneer can be seen. Unlike the first two patrollers that had found me, the men here didn't speak. Turning sharply the Beta made his way back from where he had come. The beefy fuckers beside me, stalking forward after him. Leaving me to trip and stagger, as they had me barley touching the ground.

Sometimes I hate being short.


When the packs dungeon center, or prism, who knows what they call it, comes into view, I almost sing out in joy. The walk here felt like ages, although in reality it took like five minutes. But still!  No one had said anything along the way and it was boring. I had tried making a conversation serval times, commenting on how lovely the night was and how my day had been. But they hadn't said anything not even a grunt. Besides that, I'm pretty shore my arms had gone numb, due to them not letting up on the tight hold on my poor arm.

The guards at the entrance swiftly let us through, from the nod of the head from the Beta. The smell that assaults my nose has me grimacing, although being quite familiar with it. The feces, urine, vomit, blood and decay mixing together creating such a putrid smell I could feel the insides of my nose burning.  Sometimes having an enhanced sense of smell sucks. Especially in situations like these.

Opening a steel door, I am brought into a room that portrays many of my fantasy's. With a table dead in the center made up of restraints, to the varies different sharp tools all scattered out throughout the room shore to cause immense pain. Dam, if they were to tie me up and try their best to torture me, I wouldn't mind. I was tempted ask them to, as it had been a while since I experienced a good  torture session.

Instead, I let them pull me towards the wall riddled with chains, I guess that could work. I watch as leather gloves cover the beefy fuckers free hands. Before coming down to my hands and securing the chains to each of my wrist, the silver that coated the chains hardly having any affect on my skin, if any at all. Finally releasing my arms, I can feel the blood begin to circulate again. Finished securing my legs, they step back, leaving my body spread out like an 'X'.

Locking eyes with me once again, the Beta utters one word, "Leave." Without sparing a second glance at me, the two beefy fuckers leave, closing the doors behind them. Although, it being pointless. Despite these walls being made out of steel, if they wanted to they could to listen to everything that were to go on in here.  Due to our enhanced hearing, among other things.  

Looking over my body, a wicked smile takes over his faces, his eyes clouding over in unmistakable lust. Hell , even his body releasing waves of arousal towards me. It made me sick. I knew for a fact he had a mate after reading his files, yet I could detect multiply female accents on him. He was a being of filth indeed.

Having removed my jumper before I had left the car, due to it being a favorite of mine. My black t-shirt stuck to me like a second skin, my leggings doing the same.

Licking his lips,  he made his way towards me, eyes still roaming. " What a pretty little thing you are."  He all but purred out, stopping only an inch from my face, his putrid breath reaching my nose, it was almost as bad as out in the hallway. Reaching out he trails a finger from my face towards my breast. Goosebumps raising along my skin from his sickening touch.

Horror filled me as I realized what was about to happen. This sick fuck was going to rape me, then ask questions. dread filled me as I took in the scents of the room, sex, blood, fear, anger ... pleasure, mostly likely one sided. He had done this before and by the look in his eyes he was going to enjoy doing it again.  

I'm all for pain and torture but I draw the line at sexual abuse. That's a whole new degrading territory I refuse to cross. Beside physical contact isn't my forte, the only times another is allowed or does touch me, is if they want to hurt me without the use of sexual intentions or if I intend to hurt them. The day my parents died, so did the love and comforting affection I received.

Cupping my breast, he let out a moan of satisfaction. Revulsion filled me, how dare he put his filthy hands on me. The only person remotely allowed to touch me is myself and my mate.

Snapping my hand forward, the constraints around it breaking, being no match for strength.  This isn't the first time I've been chained up. The pain I received from my actions, alerting me, I have most probably broken my wrist. Ignoring it, I continue forcing my hand forward, claws replacing finger tips, I puncture through the Betas' chest. My hand sliding through the various layers of flesh and muscle.  He only manages a gasp, before I close my hand around the nearest bone and proceed to rip it out. The crack  occurring, sounded like music to my ears.

His mouth opening in a silent scream. Driving back in, I rip out another bone, giving me a clear view of his beating heart.  This time it has the Beta releasing a pitiful sob sound, his hands weakly coming up in defense.

But he's not fast enough, or strong enough to stop my hand as it enters his chest cavity. His insides warming my hand, as I enclose my fingers around the frantic beating heart.

Looking into his eyes, I see my reflection. Bits of blood were splattered all around my face, my expression contorting into something horrifyingly unrecognizable. But I don't care, most of my victims usually get a smile before they die. But not him, no, he doesn't deserve one. 

Frozen from either shock or the pain, I don't care, but as I speak, I know he hears me.

"I'm disappointed in myself. giving you such a quick and easy death, its almost as pathetic as you. Tsk, I wasn't running on a deadline, I would've have you tied up and I'd be having my fun with you for days. And I'm shore our preferences of fun are vastly different."  

I find that not only my face is unrecognizable, but my voice is too. Sounding all but a growl and having dropped a few octaves, it was terrifying. Judging by the smell of urine that invaded my nose, he thought so too.

With the shake of my head, I crush his heart and bring it out of its place to my mouth. His last few moments alive are of viewing me take a bite of his heart. Before falling from my grasp. It is a common belief in some cultures of the world, that the devouring of your enemy's flesh would give your their power and strength, as well as them being your internal slave in the afterlife.

Although what power and strength he had meant nothing to me, as he none. But when I die, I shall see him again and he will be at my mercy.

Breaking myself free from the chains still connected to me, I give myself a few moments to repair the broken joints. Getting ready to face the guards who have yet to come through the steel door, who have most probably already felt the death of their Beta.

With a role of the shoulders, a smile forms on my face once again for the second time that night.

The funs about to begin.


21st December 2017.

1514 words.

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