Chapter 6

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After five and a half hours of driving, I finally came to a stop, not to far away from the Morton Pack. My neck and back felt as stiff as a board and my car floor had been littered with countless chip and candy wrappers.

Turning the car off, I get out and make my way to the front. Leaning against the hood, I look and was greeted by a sea of thousand stars, the milky speckles twirled and seemed to dance along the sky in various patterns. But they were nothing compared to the beauty of the moon. She hung high in the sky, like the goddess she is. Her silver rays of light, spread out and touched all there was to see, blessing it with the a magnificent glory only the moon could have.

Sighing, I get up and make my way into the forest, focusing on masking my scent. Only a select few have the ability to accomplish it as it requires a clear mind and true talent, and luckily I have that.

Each step taken, a crunch followed, due to the forest floor being covered in dead leave and who knows what else. Beside from my footsteps, not a sound was heard throughout the forest. The animals most likely sensed the danger and horrors that were going to take place tonight.

After a few minutes of walking, I felt a shift in the air, letting me know I had just entered the Morton packs territory. Continuing on, I crack my back and shoulders, releasing some of the tension out of my body. Getting ready for the boarder patrols that have yet to arrive, most probably already sensing my presence.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, I pause and look in the direction. Not a second later, two sets of glowing eyes appear from behind the forest trees. Their bodies following, not an ounce of fat could be seen, the moonlight reflecting off their skin only giving into the saying beautiful but deadly.

The one stationed on left had brunette hair, seeming to be in charge of the two as the blonde stood slightly behind him.

"What business do you have here, rouge?" The brunette all but spat out.

Knowing they were going to die soon, I told them my intentions with the traditional smile I always seemed to have on my face.

"Why, I'm here to kill your alpha."

Not giving them a chance to respond. I jump at him, moving my body around his. I wrap my hands and arms around his head, moving my hand down to the base of his throat.

Before the blonde could have a chance to make a move, I flick my claws out digging into the flesh of the brunettes throat. Ripping my hand out, a huge chunk coming along with it, I release him, having him choke on own his blood. I get ready to go for the blondie.

Coming over his shock, blondie comes at me, claws replacing his once human fingernails. His clawed hands came at me fast. Ducking i miss them, but not the kick that followed to the stomach. Stepping back a few feet from the force, I regain my composer.

Coming at him once again, hands clenched, my arm shoots out too fast for him to dodge. Fist connecting with his face, I go to do the same with the other but he catches it.  Enclosing his fingers around my fist, sharp nails digging into my skin, he yanks me forward. His other hand coming up, blondie grabs a handful of my hair. Forcing it down, my head snaps up, coming to face the moonlit sky.

Neck exposed, he releases my fist. His clawed hand coming down, ready to end me. Although, before he can, I knee him in the abdomen. Grip loosening on my hair, I move back, his claws ranking over my face. The injury, emitting a moan like sound from me. Tapping into my werewolf strength, I repeat the action twice. Doubling over, he grasp his stomach. Smiling, I cant help but think this guys good.

Not giving him a chance to recover, once again my leg slams out, nailing him again. Grabbing one of his arms, I force it behind his back. kicking the back of his legs, they give out, having him land on his knees. Panicking over the position, his free arm shoots out behind, blindly trying to grab me.

Leaning forward, I let my canines extend. Biting onto his hand, I force my head back, serval fingers and flesh coming along with the movement. Spitting out the bits of flesh, his scream letting me know I should probably finish up.

Placing my foot in the middle of his back. I pull his arm, the pop following, letting my know it was now out of its socket. Going further, I place all my weight on the one foot and push off. The arm detaching from his body, has him releasing one last agonizing scream. Before I snap his neck, effectively silencing him.

Pushing his body away, I settle myself down and sit cross legged. Releasing a small breath, I swallow the left over blood from blondie, scrunching up my nose from his bitter taste.

The once fresh air, now tainted with the scent of blood and death was nothing new to me, but still disgusting. But I was going to have ignore it, if I was to continue getting rid of the filth of my race.

Looking up, the once cloudless sky, now overflowing them. Coming out to cover the once brightly lit moon, that was now reduced to a dim shine hardly noticeable. Not dwelling on it, I turn my focus onto the serval approaching footsteps.

The only thought on my mind being, I wonder were corporation will get me.


969 Word Count.

29th October 2017.

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