Chapter 5

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Was the only emotion I felt coursing throughout my body. After reading over the files I had received earlier, I found out that my assigned targets belong to the Morton Pack. The alpha and some of the elders have been working with the rouges, giving them important information about other packs. Using that information, the rouges plan successful attacks, resulting in the deaths of many lives.

It's unacceptable.

That pitiful excuse of a man, was always known to be a power hungry bitch. But seriously, working with rouges how pathetic could he get. Once I've had my 'fun' with him, that repulsive alpha will be wishing he was never born. Along with the rest of them.  

For awhile now, the Morton Pack has been under the suspicion of having been involved with rouges. Unfortunately there hasn't been any solid proof, therefore no actions have been taken towards those morbid pricks.  

Their pack, houses over five-hundred wolves and is fairly well-known. Hence, also why the werewolf community hasn't taken any actions towards the accusations made. Although, me, being in the third largest pack in the country. Which currently, accommodates just over a thousand wolves has its advantages. Those advantages being, it allows alpha Jones to acquire more information. That's where my handy work comes in.

In a way we're carrying out the same acts, as the Morton pack. Except, alpha Jones and my actions are justified, as our accomplishments are appropriate and are helping the werewolf society get rid of unwanted filth.

Alpha Jones and I, aspirations are righteous. Their just committing appalling deeds for their own feeble desires.

Deciding I acquired all the information needed, I stood up for my uncomfortable position on the couch. Making my way to the kitchen, I turn on the jug. Settling on the idea of having some two minute noodles for dinner, not finding the effort to make anything, also noting the fact that I haven't  gone shopping in awhile. My cupboards were practically bare.

Letting it boil, I continue on my way to my room. Set on packing for my upcoming business, which if not done now, will probably never be accomplished. I organize a small suitcase and fill it with the essentials. Such as clothes and very few accessories.  No weapons needed, as I consider my being the only reinforcement I need.  

Placing the suitcase by the side of my door, I return to the kitchen and make my noodles.

Receiving a fork, I settle myself on the couch and begin eating. Contempt with silence that surrounded my house.

Finishing my noodles, I threw away the container and place the fork in the sink. Heading to my room, planning on resting for a while, so I could get on the road as soon as possible.

Setting an alarm, I flop on to the heavenly mattress, as soon as my head had hit the pillow I was out like a light.


As soon as the  alarm had goon of I was up and getting prepared for my departure. Although still wishing I could of slept longer. Changing into a black pair of leggings along with a black t-shirt and jumper. Receiving my suitcase from beside the door, I carried it into the garage. Popping the boot to my grey Hyundai Electra, I place the small suitcase inside. Shutting the boot, I make my way to the drivers side, unlocking the door, I sit inside and start up the car. Listening to the smooth hum of the engine, it bringing a weird sense of satisfaction to me.

Leaving the car to let it warm up, I make my way back into the house. Doing a once over making shore I have everything I need. Securing my house, I double check and make shore all the alarm systems are still active and working. Finding everything working perfect I go onto to locking up all the windows and doors.

Returning to  the garage, I press a single button. In turn, metal screeching greets my ears, as the large metal door opens.

Adjusting my seat, I put the car in gear and set of onto the road that was dimly lit by the light of the stars. Knowing it was going to take a while to arrive at the Morton Pack,I turned on the radio and engrossed myself in the music that flowed through the speakers.

The only thought on my mind being, I had to stop and get some snacks.


22nd October, 2017

744 words.

Sorry about this chapter, its pretty boring. Legit nothing really exciting happened, except for Cindy eating some noodles. Lol. Anyway, I promise to make the next chapter blood pumping.

Lol, I'm just gonna go now ....

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