Chapter 1

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"Still in school, Still in Michigan, Still a Freshman" These are all things that ran through young Samantha Jacksons mind. They all were true but they all were about to change. "Once that bell rings I will be out of School, in Sunny Flordia, and a Sophmore. Finally, I will be able to boss around the new freshman, but they would only be girls." Samantha went to an all girls priviate school, and the only sight of boys that she would get was when she looked across the parking lot, only to find that some of them were staring back at her. She wasn't paying attention to the teacher who was giving her famous 'Before break make sure you dont do....' speech, we all knew that it was coming and we wanted it not to. She said the same thing over and over again.

The bell rang.

We grabed our paper and were about to throw them in the air 'High School Musical' style. Just when the Academic Dean got on the Intercom. Which ment that school was not really over, some people were going to be called down to his office. Every student thought that he did many things, to was hard to name them all. We thought he smoked, was a criminal, that he did drugs, had an alcohol abuse problem things of that nature. I decided I should listen in just when I did I heard '......Samantha Jackson, Nancy.......' I got called down to his office, I grabed my stuff and headed down to his office. It seemed like a longer walk than usual I think it was the fact that I didn't know what I was being called down for. Many things went wrong these last weeks of school, and don't even get me started on finals. I walked in and he told us that he would talk to us one on one. He asked if anyone wanted to go first, I decided to suck it up, after all they were only rumors, I volunteer to get it over with. At the beginning of the school year I would have never volunteered but it was summer, official,y now, an i wanted to get the most of it.

"Come in Samantha"

I sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

"How are you today?" He asked me

"I'm good, waiting for summer to start" I replied

"Then I will get right to the point, you didn't pass your math exam"he said

"Right, yeah what was the reall reason why you called me down here." I said

"No, seriously you did not pass your final." He said with a stern face.

I sighed I knew that I was terrible at math but flunking my final was a totally different thing.

"Is there anyway that I could bring that grade up" I said

"Your teacher is waiting to go over it with you then you come check in with me and bring your teacher and then you may go."

I left the room and went to my math teachers class. We sat down and went over the test. It was long and tiring, I missed the easiest stuff. I missed a question that asked : what is 2X5? And I out 25. I had no clue why I put that, but I did and now I had to sit here wasting my summer. Then something out of the corner caught my eye. My best friend from the school across the parking lot I looked up. He motioned for me too hurry up. I said I will be done in a second.

We finished and then we went down to the dean and had to do some paper work. We Finally finished and I was free to go. My summer had officially started, summer was here time to go to Florida and swim, and stick my feet in the sand.nI left and met my friend out side and told him what happened. He tried his hardest to understand since he got an 'A' in math. He was the one friend who got mad if they got a 89% on a test. To most of us that would be a good grade but to him it was like failing. He wanted to introduce me to another guy.

"No, this is the second one this week they dont workout, I want a boy free summer only with my guy friends, No boyfriends, and NO BLIND DATES" I said to my friend, Charlie.

"Fine well what am I going to tell him, just that you were not interested", Charlie replied.

He had a good point "No, just say what I said to you but in nicer words. I do t him to feel like I don't like him. I just am done with boy drama." I said.

I went with my carpool to my house I got home and put my stuff down. We got in different clothes because the skirt that all the students had to wear was sufficating. We changed and went to the mall, I told her about my conversation with Charlie, when we walked in to Starbucks, and she rolled her eyes.

"Samantha, what if he was cute, what if you guys fell in love." Janice, my friend, said

"Janice, those are all 'what if's' I want a relationship where the guy fits my needs and will respect my decisions."

"That will be hard every guy that I have dated wanted the same thing..."

"Janice I know, okay, some guys are like that but like you said last week there is someone perfect for every girl out there. She might not find him but he is out there"

"Yes, but you need to trie at least. You haven't had one boyfriend in your whole life, and you haven't even had your first kiss. You need to start taking some risks." She said

"Yeah, I realize that but it will be a little bit awakward for some guys who after 8 months of kissing, want more. I dont want that to happen to me. I want my first kiss to be one that I will remember, not one that will end up with me watching a movie, with a bucket of ice cream, and tissues, beside me."

The conversation ended after that and she said that we needed to find a guy that would do that, there are some guys out there that would respect my decision not to have sex before mariage, but others just want to take advantage of girls. We decided that we would have to find him before we go to Flordia for a week. We went into Lu Lu Lemon where we saw our Cheerleading coach. We talked to her for a while and then she bought us lunch before she left, to go see her husband. When we were eating I realized that no matter when I do when I talk to a guy it ends us in flames.

Janice and I went to go see if we could get some new swimsuits with her parents credit card. We each got three bikinis, and 6 pairs of shoes. It was official we were Shopaholics, we put all of our stuff in her car and drove to my house. She stayed over and we had a blast. From freaking out my brother and his younger friends, to staying up all night watching movies.

A week had past and there was still no luck of me finding a boyfriend. We decided that we should pack for Flordia and then hurry to catch out plane. We said goodbye to our parents and siblings, the walked us to our gate and sayed until we were up in the sky. While on the plane we did a few things. We checked our twitter, vine and Instagram accounts. Right when we get on my instagram page I see a picture of my best friend kissing a girl. I sighed and scrolled through the rest of the pictures.

After a while The pilot got on and said "Attention, Passengers, Just to inform you we have reached out destination, we are in Sunny Flordia. The weather is currently 99 degrees and the sun is hot hot hot."

We gather our stuff and walked off the plane. When we got off there was a blast of hot air, and we jumped, and continued to get our bags. While waiting there was a couple sitting on there carry-on bag making out. We groned and looked away. The ball rang and we grabed our bags and went to go and check in at our hotel. It was about 10:00 at night and we had serious jet lag so we went right to sleep once we checked in.

The summer my life changedWhere stories live. Discover now