Chapter 5

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I watched as the elevator doors closed and stood in the doorway. I was almost certain now that he was going to kiss me tomorrow. The phone rang and Janice got up and answered it, just as Louis was about to leave, she handed the phone to me and went to kiss Louis. I went to the phone and it was Jordan, he told me that he had something wonderful planned tomorrow for me and him. He said that I already had somewhat of an idea from what he told me. Then he hung up.

I went to tell Janice what he said and we spent the whole rest of the day shopping. We went to almost all of the stores in Miami, every shoe and clothing store. We went to 3 Victoria Secrets, and 5 different Lu Lu Lemons. We had a blast it was the perfect girls night out. We went to go get something to eat at Panera Bread. We also rented a movie that we watched over and over again. When the kissing scene came I didn't even flinch.

I just imagined what he was planning for tomorrow. It might be another walk on the beach, or a swim, it might be a picnic. There was so much I wanted to know but I also wanted to be surprised. We watched the rest of the movie and had a girl hormone break down, but it was fine we weren't embarrassed about it. Later that night I got a text from Charlie wondering what I was doing. I told him everything that had happened since we left for Flordia.

We woke up early the next morning and went to the hotel gym for about an hour. Then we went up to get me ready for my 'date' today. I texted Jordan for the location of where it was going to be, he just said that he would take me for it to more of a surprise. But he did tell me to bring a bathing suit, and that he would prefer a bikini. I laughed and put my swimsuit on under my clothes. He came to the door and Janice did what any father would have done before there daughter goes out on a date with them. Put them threw a clearance test as I like to call it. He passed Janice's clearance and I got in his car and we drove off. I looked I out the window to see where we were going but all I saw were trees. He smiled when I asked him where we were going.

He pulled up in a parking lot, there were no cars there. "Is it okay to be here right now?" I asked him. He laughed and said "Yes, just trust me on this. " I agreed and followed him. We went on floating docks out to a lake, the water kept squirting up and hitting us in the face.

I stopped halfway through "I am soaked, I don't want to go any further. "

"Come on Samantha it is just around the corner." He said and he grabbed my hand and I followed. I looked up ahead and there was a dock with a beautiful view of the lake. "See aren't you glad that you kept going?"

I nodded and he went over and sat down and motioned for me to follow him. I went a sat down next to him. We sat looking at the sun on the water. He took off his shirt and hopped in to the water. I took off my shorts and top and hopped in too.

"I see you took my advice and wore a bikini." He said and I laughed

"I only own bikinis" I said and he smiled. We were in the water for about an hour and then we got out to dry off. When the sun was about to set he hopped into the water but I didn't hear a splash. I looked down where he had jumped and there he was on a jet ski. He grabbed my hand and pulled me on to the jet ski. We rode around the lake and just when the sun was about to set.

He parked the jet ski and I got off on to the hill. He soon followed, we went to the top of the hill where there was a beautiful picnic for two set up. We ate the food and after we laid down my head on his stomach.

It soon got dark and he got up and pulled me up as well, we looked up at the stars while he slowly pulled me closer. He thought I couldn't tell but it was pretty obvious. Once we were close enough he looked down at me and kissed my forehead; then he continued to look up at the stars. I looked at him looking at the stars and rested my head on his chest again and looked up. After 5 minutes he grabbed my neck and pulled it closer to his. I closed my eyes and he closed his as he continued to get closer and closer. After two seconds passed all I could feel was his lips on top of mine. I put my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist. I pulled away and I could tell he was happy. He playfully said to me "Did I say we were done with that?" I laughed and he kissed me again, then I heard fireworks go off in the distance. We sat down and watched them, then he drove back to the hotel and came to the room and said goodbye.

Janice could tell I was happy my smile was from ear to ear. I told her everything that just happened ".....Then he looked up at the stars again and I rested my head on his chest. Then...Then he grabbed my neck and kissed me. I was so shocked and after a while I pulled away and he kissed me again."

"Was it tongue, I bet it was knowing you and him." She said

"No, it was just a regular kiss. A regular perfect kiss."

"Did you tell him that it was your first kiss, like ever." She asked me.

"That did not come up, so no. But would that really change things?" I asked her nervous

"It might we don't know how he will take it. He might already know and be fine with it. If he doesn't know then he might take one of two ways. He might be okay or it might be too much for him to handle."

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