Chapter 6

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I decided to confront Jordan about the kiss we shared last night. But I had to find a right time and a right place. We slept on it. Then, I talked to Janice and she suggested that I should do it at the same place and time we had our first kiss. I though that that was a great idea, I called him and we set it up. We would meet at the hill at 9:00 p.m., I got ready and Janice helped with the little details, make-up,bra choice. These things I thought didn't really matter, because they weren't present when he kissed me, or the days before. But it made Janice have faith so I agreed to let her do it. She drove me and I saw Jordan waiting on the hill.

I told Janice "Can you stay in the car please?" She agreed, I walked over and the first thing he did was hug me. I made it quick like ripping a band-aid off. But like all boys when you try to tell them something important they distract you. I finally caught his attention, "Look we need to talk." I told him.

"About what? The kiss?"

"Yes, I just thought you should know that, that was my first-"

"Yeah your first kiss I know. Thats why I went through all that trouble to make it perfect."

I smiled, then laughed then felt a little creeped out. How had he known that after all this time when i hadn't seen him, that I didn't have my first kiss. I got into the car and Janice said I had a worried look on my face. We didn't talk all the way until we got back to our hotel room.

"Was everything, okay?" She asked me

"Yeah, I mean no, Well he was fine with the first kiss thing. But he already knew I hadn't had my first kiss. So I wondered if you told him?" I said and she shook her head. "Then, after he said it I had mixed emotions then I was creeped out. How could he have known if we haven't seen each other for about 2 years."

"I don't know, and when I told him about the Sex before marriage thing. He said that he already knew, and I thought that you had told him already." She said and then after joked "Maybe you had your first kiss with your stalker." She continued to laugh until she saw my stunned face. "Okay, I was just kidding around. I really don't think that he is a stalker."

That night I stayed up till 5:30 a.m. and watched the T.V. series 'How to catch a stalker.' All of these girls and some boys had the same experiences that I had. But there was one who found out she had a stalker and fell in love with him. She asked him if he was stalking her and he admitted to it. They didn't break up but after 2 years she was found in her apartment dead. I didn't want to die and I am sure she didn't want to either. I decided that I could not procrastinate, I went down to Jordan's room. Sat him down and we talked I told him about the show but didn't mention my thoughts.

"I was wondering how you knew that I hadn't had my first kiss yet?"

"Samantha" There was a long pause "I could tell by the way you kissed me, all girls who hadn't had there first kiss, kiss the same way."

I shook my head "So, I kiss like every other girl that you have kissed!" I yelled

"No, I didn't mean it like that, just some girls when they had there first kiss seem more confortable, than girls who had not."

"Anyways, but when we talked you said that you knew and that was why you planned it like that. It sounded like you knew before you kissed me." I said getting impatient

He paused for a while and then spoke "When Janice told me that you didn't believe in sex before marriage, I understood, then I said to her 'Is there anything else I should know about her' and she told me."

"Really, because I talked to Janice, and she admitted to telling you but then she said that you said that you already knew. Jordan if you already knew just tell me and tell me how you know."

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