Chapter 7

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I woke up from my nap and found Jack and Janice just now finishing up there work. I walked in and looked over Jacks shoulder to see what they had found out. When they started to print everything out I rested my chin on his head. Janice went to go and get the printed papers and during that time Jack escorted me to the couch. We sat down, me in the middle, with Jack to my right, and Janice to my left. They went over everything and when they were almost done I felt Jack put his arm around my neck. I laid back on his shoulder blade while they continued. Once they were done Jack and I stayed there in that position while Janice told me what they were going to do. Jack got up and we did too me and Janice changed in to black clothes, and Jack got ready. We walked out and Jack turned to me and said "You look extremely good in black." I laughed as we went down to the 6th floor.

The door opened and Jack got out first and went to go get Jordan so they could go to the lobby while me and Janice find a safe place to hide in his room. Jack left the door open and when they got into the elevator gave the single and we moved out. We both hid in the safest place we could find, in the untouched second bedroom of his room. We herd the door open and we got to the door and listened to there conversation.

"So dude, I talked to Samantha just now and I thought I should come up here and tell you what she said."

"Thanks man what did she say." Jordan said

"She wanted to know if I told her that she hadn't had her first kiss and she said why she was worried and everything. So I felt like I should cover for you and I did."

"Man, thanks I really appreciate that... Now bye." Jordan said like he was in a rush

"No, man thats not all, I wanted to know since I didn't tell you how you knew. I mean I know from Samantha that Janice didn't tell you."

"Well, I knew Samantha for 'bout 6 years now, and from the first time I met her I fell in love with her. I didn't like her, I LOVED her."

"Wow, Jordan don't you think love is a bit of a strong word to describe what you thought of her just from the first day." said Jack

"No, not from what I felt. But every other guy started to like her and I got the feeling that she didn't like me so I went after other girls to make her jealous. But I got the feeling that after 8th grade I would lose her forever, so I asked her for her phone, and I put a little chip in it. I could hear what she herd and everything, thats how I knew she hadn't had her first kiss. By the chip that listened to her calls, texts, and what went on in person."

I could see Jacks face and it looked stunned "Wow, man you must really like her." He paused and Jordan nodded "So there is one thing that I want to clear up, you basically stalked her?"

"Some people called it stalking, but I like to think of it as a fluffy and harmless observation that she doesn't know of."

"Well, Jordan thanks for that but before I get out of here I want you to come check something out in the lobby its really cool promise."

That was our cue and Jordan caved in, once they left we waited till we herd the elevator doors close and we left in the other elevator back to our room. We talked on the elevator ride up and once Jack was back in the room, we all sat and talked. Janice thought of a way to make Jordan confess, it involved me, her, and Jack. We listened to it and we all agreed that it was going to work. Janice went to go get some pizza from the pizza parler a few blocks down, while Janice was gone Jack scooted closer. Then I got up and sat on his lap while he put his ar, around my head, he wanted to know how I felt about the whole Jordan thing. I told him what I thought, and after we watched T.V. to watch a movie, all while I still on his lap. After the movie was over he leaned in closer for a kiss and Janice came in and we jumped back into our original positions, like before she left. We sat there and we ate, just when Jack went to the bathroom there was a knock at the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw Jordan's face, I told Janice while she got everything of Jacks and put it in her room, then she got Jack and he went to her room as well. Janice opened the door while I went to go and sit on the couch.

The summer my life changedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant