Chapter 3

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I went to sleep that night thinking of everything that happened that day. I almost got my first kiss, and I messed it up. I decided that I would try to find Jake and see if he was okay. I went down to the beach by the spot he took me and guess who I saw. There was Jack sitting down I sat down next to him and he stayed put. He looked at me and grabbed my hand and we went for a walk.

He said to me "I was thinking about what you said to me, and I agree" he stopped walking "I do think that we need to get to know each other before we kiss, or do anything."

He moved out of the way and made a gesture with his and. I followed his hand and down on the sand was a picnic. He went and sat down and I followed. We sat and talked and ate, my two favorite things. Then we started hearing cars on the road above and we packed up. He followed me back to the hotel and we hugged I thanked him for what he had done. I look up and Jordan was looking down. I started wondering because for both days he has been looking down when Jake and I were standing there embracing. He was there in the elevator the first day and I hoped he wouldn't be in there today.

I walked in the elevator alone thinking of the day, just then the elevator door opened. Just then Jordan walked in the elevator and stood by me. He went over to the buttons and pressed every button excepted for mine. I looked and sighed. He came back over to me and said "Hey, you dont say Hi anymore?"

"Im sorry who are you?"

"You really don't remember me? Jordan..." He said

"OH, now I remember, so...hows your um girlfriend?"

He laughed "I am single."

I looked at him confused and said "But on Instagram you posted a picture of you and some girl kissing?"

"Ha, you do remember me don't ya?" He said and I nodded. "No, um, that was my ex-girlfriend, My sister thought it would be funny to go on my instagram and post that."

I nodded "But wait you were on my flight and when me and Janice were going up to her car you were sucking faces with some girl."

"That was just to get your attention, look you know when you went to that all girls school and left me and all your other friends that was really hard on all of us. I think it had the worst affect on me. I would come to class thinking you would be there with Janice, and that I could look at you and see your face."

I started to blush and then the door opened and closed again.

He continued "I tried to get over you, and find other girls that had what you had. But I couldn't describe it. You were unique and no girl that I have ever went out with has had the effect that you have had on me. I tried and tried to get over you but something kept stoping me from getting over you."

I stopped him "You know that thing that is stopping you." he shook his head and moved closer. "It called your heart."

He took me hand and put it over his chest and I could feel his heart. He said "You mean this thing, that you feel." I could feel myself blushing. "Samantha, I really like you." He leaned in closer, with his hand still on mine. I could feel his breath against mine. Just as we turned our heads to kiss, the door opened and there was a person standing in the doorway. We didn't pay much attention until he cleared his throat.

He came in and stood separating us "You kids know that this is a place of business, we don't need costumers coming in here to find teenagers making-out in our elevators. So do you care to tell me what you would have been doing if I haven't already said it."

We both stayed quiet, "That is what I thought" He said, He turned toward me and said "What is your floor mam?"

"10th floor please" I looked over at Jordan and we both smiled.

The doors opened and I got off. I went to my room and sat down, I was thinking about the day so far. I fell asleep in the process.

When I woke up I looked at the clock and it was 6:00 pm. Janice just came in and saw the smile on my face and got on the phone and ordered pizza. After the pizza guy came I told her what happened while eating pizza.

"Then he put my hand on his heart and said 'You mean the thing you are feeling now.' then I blushed and then he kept talking and moving closer, and right when we were about to kiss."

I stopped because there was a knock at the door. I went up and answered the door, and standing there in the doorway, was Jake. I saw the look on his face and he came in, and Janice stood up looking worried. I told him to give me and Janice a moment and we went in the other room and continued our conversation. She told me that I had to hurry up or Jake would get angry.

"Well um... We leaned in closer and I could feel his heart and mine. Then I felt his breath and mine, we turned to kiss but this dumb security guard came in." After I said that I walked out and went next to Jake.

He didn't look very happy, I was ready for the lecture. But it never came, he just looked at me. I sighed and he finally started talking.

"I got in the elevator that you were in to come and see if you got to your room safely and there was a boy and a security guard standing there. They didn't look happy." He paused and I prepared for the worst "They were talking about the boy trying to kiss a girl in the elevator. I kept thinking and thinking trying to put the pieces together. Tell me you don't know that boy in the elevator."

"I don't know what the boy looks like" I replied.

Jack sighed and got up and said he would call me later. Then he left. Janice came out and said she had heard everything.

"You have to make a decision you can't date two boys at the same time. That is not what is means to have a double date."

I knew that but I knew that but I needed her to tell me something else. Some advice that I could use. The only thing she could say that wasn't much help was 'Who do you like more?'. The reality was that I couldn't pick, they were both appealing to the eye, and athletic, kind, etc. I thought long and hard but could not come up with a decision. Then I realized that when I felt Jordan's heart it made my heart beat. But when I was lying down with Jake I didn't feel my heart beat. Just his heart on my ears. I though I might of mot felt it. I decided that I would call him and try it and if it didn't work then I would pick Jordan. If it didn't work then I had some thinking to do.

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