Chapter 9

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He sat in the chair while I stood by the phone. He came closer and I tried to run but it was no use I could not feel my legs. He came close and said "Look I know what you think happened but can I tell you what really happened." I agreed and he began to tell me.

"My cousin asked me to come down to Flordia this summer, because he had somethingn planned. I came down here to met him"

"Wait, who is your cousin"

"I was thought it was my cousin, but later I found out that It wasn't really my cousin. It was Jack. But anyways Jack got my phone number and got me a hotel room. He told me that it was his phone but it was yours. He snuck into your room and got your phone after you have met for the first time. He took it to me and told me how to put the tracking thingy in your phone. The following day we were in the elevator; and we'll you know how that went. But then the night I supposedly heard what you said; he told me to go there. Then I found out that night that he wasn't really my cousin. So when the Police came I defended myself but when he came after me I was fighting because he lied."

Suddenly my phone buzzed in the background, I went to see who it was and it was Janice. I picked it up and she said "Jack, is here in the room waiting for you, so come on back" Jordan overheard and took me back down to my floor then left. I walked to the door but it was already open. I walked in to see Jack, and Janice in a conversation. Jack had made plans for us to go down and walk the beach again. I liked walking the beach but when I did it now, it felt wrong. I agreed and got my self ready and said I would meet him by the hat store right across from the beach. I got ready then went down to tell Jordan, what was happening. Then I left to walk the beach with Jack, I had to try to get him to admit about putting the device in my phone, and that was going to be hard to do. I put on the cutest clothes that I have ever worn, and went to meet Jack. We walked on the beach and talked and went to our usuall, spot. It was romantic, and the thought went through my mind 'would it be wrong to date a person you know is a criminal.' Yes, Yes it would be I couldn't date him.

"You aren't talking why not?"

"I just have a lot of thoughts going through my head I guess." I said.

"Well, can I help take them off of your mind." He offered.

Before I could answer he was getting undressed down to his swim trunks. I took off my sundress, and went in the water with my bikini on. He was already in, and came to get me, he picked me up and took me out to a safe distance. I got down and started to walk, but he grabbed me hand, and pulled me in closer for a kiss. I didn't stop him partly because, it was a way to get him to admit it, and partly because I liked it. Then it went through my mind, I cant like it, he is a criminal. I stopped kissing him and started heading back to the shore. I was back on the shore putting my sundress back on when he came up to me and took my hands, and said "You, know don't you"

"Know what?" I asked

"You know what I mean, you know that I did all that stuff, and sabotaged Jordan." He said

"Yeah, Jordan told me." I said

"Yeah, and now you are mad at me aren't you?"

"JACK THAT IS THE DUMBEST QUESTION I HAVE EVER HEARD. OF COURSE I AM MAD AT YOU." I paused "I am mad because of what you did, you made him go to jail for nothing, also I am mad because you didn't tell me."

"Look Samantha, I did, it because I was trying to protect you. You told me that he broke you heart and I didn't want him to do it again." He paused and took my other hand "I really care about you, and I just couldn't see you go through that pain."

"But, when I was with him you were with that other girl, under that umbrella, need I remind you." I said

"Yes, Sam, I know, but I knew that if I made you jelious, that you would want to come back to me. I just couldn't risk losing you. You know how that feels, to lose someone that you really care about."

"What do you mean?" I asked

"If you tell the police your friend Janice will only be a memory. If you tell anyone that she will surely die." He said

I sat on the sand, and started to breath really heavy, and he sat down next to me. He put him arm around me, and I through it off.

"What if I break-up with you what will happen then?" I inquired

"Well, that is a good question You and Janice will both only be a memory."

"Why are you going through all of this trouble just to stay with me." I paused "I would have stayed with you but then I saw you and that girl sucking each others faces off."


"Jack, I know don't yell at me, okay I do like you a lot, but I cant kiss, you or have a romantic moment with you with out thinking about what you did to Jordan."

"I know, its hard for me to have a moment like that with you too, but when I kiss you it all goes away until you bring it up."

"How do you deal with it knowing, that you could possibly go to jail, and knowing that you put an innocent person in jail." I asked him.

He brought me up to my feet and took me by my hands and said "Knowing that I did it for Love"

I pulled my hand away in disgust and walked back to the hotel, stopped me in the door way and reminded me what he said. I went inside and went in the elevator and pushed the button for my floor, on my way up, the thoughts ran through my mind. What was I going to do, it was either tell someone and risk Janice's life, or breakup with him and risk both of our lives. I didn't know what to do, I was in conflict with myself, I didn't know what to do. I guess there was only one thing to do, I went back to the room and told Janice what I was going to do.

The summer my life changedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant