Chapter 4

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"ITS BRITNEY BITCH!!" someone said as she cut the Lady.

"Chara?!" I spoke in disbelief. 

"It's me honey!" Chara replied. "Cmon!" She lifted me up and carried me bridal style to my friends. 

"Are you ok Frisk?" Asriel asked.

"If it wasn't for Chara," I replied, "I would've died."

"How did you find us?" Asriel asked.

"Bitch plz," Chara spoke. "I'm part ghost. Also, I decided to go to China but on my way there, I saw people on a cruise ship going in there. It looked pretty suspicious, so I flew inside it. When i went into the the dark rooms in the Lady's Quarters, I saw that you guys were running from some woman. And that's how I got here."

"We need to find a mirror that is unshattered," Six spoke.

"I know where it is," Chara said. "Just follow me." We followed Chara to the unshattered mirror. I picked it up and we walked to the only ray of light in the room. That's when the Lady started circling us.

*Another time skip to where the Lady is weakened considerably*

"What is this place?" Six answered. "And more importantly, who are you?"

"Six," the Lady spoke as she coughed, "I am your mother."

"My mother died in a fire," Six replied. "You're not my mother."

"I am indeed."

"If you are indeed my mother, why did you abandon me?!"

"After you were born, I suffered a dangerous burn that caused my face to deform. I didn't want you to see me like this, so I left you with your father."

"Why? I would've grown used to seeing your face."

"Can't you see?! I was hideous! I wasn't beautiful anymore! When I saw your face, it made me cry because of your beauty."

"It's not your fault."

"I wore this mask to conceal my face. I didn't want people to consider me ugly."

"I don't find you ugly. Just take off your mask."

The Lady took off her mask and showed her burnt face to everybody.

"I'm hideous." 

"No, you're not!"

"Easy for you to say! You are more beautiful then me!"

"Wait," I asked. "In the Prison, why were people eating like pigs?"

"Those people you saw in the the dining area were the guests."

"What the hell were they eating?" Seven asked.

"Themselves and the children," The Lady replied. "You see, any child caught escaping will be cut up by the Twin Chefs if they make it past the Janitor. The dead children will be served to the guests that come on here. The guests unknowingly eat the children and after stuffing their faces, I suck their souls. The souls of the guests reform make me beautiful, while the souls of the children keep me young."

"Frisk," Asriel spoke in a scared tone, "I'm getting scared. I wanna get outta here."

"I do to," I replied. "But this is really interesting."

"But alas, that didn't do much good. That is, until I read a book about staying young and beautiful," the Lady continued. "It turns out that to stay beautiful and young, I would have to kill my first born child and absorb her soul. I kidnapped you and set my house on fire, killing your father."

"Why did you kill him?" Six asked as she teared up.

"The very thing that Juan Ponce De León wanted," the Lady shouted with fury. "Eternal youth."

"I actually was starting to feel sorry for you," Six shouted as tears were rolling down her cheeks. "BUT YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE TO ME!!!" But Six's stomach growled. "I'm gonna eat you. Yeah. I'm gonna absorb your soul and hear you scream until you die."

"I can't look!" Asriel spoke as he covered his eyes. I covered my eyes too, but I took a peak of what was gonna happen.

Six limped over to the Lady and knelt to her neck. She sunk her teeth into the Lady's neck and killed her. Damn.

"Six?" Seven asked. "Are you ok?" Six didn't respond. The doors in front of her opened and we walked as far behind her in case she did something. Six walked slowly and we assumed that she sucked the souls of all the guests. We exited the Maw, but we found ourselves on an island.

"How are we gonna get off this island?" Asriel asked.

"I got you fam," Chara spoke as she snapped her fingers. After that, we instantly returned to Asriel's house.

Escaping the Maw. Little Nightmares and Undertale crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now