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"Where were you my children?!" Toriel asked.

"Mom," I spoke, "I can explain." I told her everything that happened, but she didn't believe us.

"You are all grounded for the rest of this month!" Toriel shouted. "No TV and no video games!" We didn't moan because we knew that she wasn't gonna listen. Then Six and Seven walked in. "Who are these children?"

"They are Six and Seven," Asriel said as he told his mom about what happened to their parents. 

"I am really sorry," Toriel told them. "You guys are able to live with us for as long as you want."

"So you're adopting us?!" Seven asked. Toriel nodded. I was really happy to see that my new friends were going to live with us! Not only that, they found a new family, my family. They wouldn't be scared or alone anymore. They'd be safe here, where nobody was trying to kill them and nobody was dying.

I don't know what will happen to the Maw. Honestly, I hope the Janitor gets out and lives somewhere near us.

*2 weeks later*

The Janitor came to visit Toriel's house. They had a great talk and we got closer with him. We even considered him as a dad. In the end, my family was a long armed dad, a goat child, a goat mom, a vampire in a raincoat, a boy in blue clothing, a ghost and me. Life couldn't get better than this. I'm very lucky to have a big family. I thank God everyday for this family.

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