Chapter 2

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*Mitchie POV*

I continued her conversation until it was time to go. I hanged up my cellphone and put it away. As I looked up, I heard the flight attendant say,

"Here is your water Mr. Grey."

He turned around to grab the water. I just looked at him. I could not believe that Shane was on the same flight as me. This means he is coming to Camp Rock. The flight was really long, that is what I thought, and when the plane landed I tried to get off as fast as I could. Right when I got out I got a phone call from Caitlyn.

"Where are you? I am waiting for you."

"Wait, how did you get here faster than me?" I was confused about that.

"I don't know. But I am waiting. Are you coming? Camp Rock waits for us." Caitlyn said all dramatic.

"Alright, where are you," I looked straight ahead and saw my best friend.

I ran up to Caitlyn and gave her a hug. We were freaking out. I did not see the other people standing there until.

"What, we don't get hugs?" Sander asked.

I turned around and saw Sander, Barron, Lola, Ella, Peggy, and Tess. I was shocked to see them all. I gave them all hugs looking at them and said,

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Surprise!" Caitlyn said.

"What do you mean surprise?"

"We have been here for about a week before you." Caitlyn explained.

I just looked at my friends thinking this was a dream and then a man walked by. Then I remembered this was not a dream. Because the man that walked by was Shane.

Barron drove us to Camp Rock. When I saw the sign, I just screamed. Barron and Sander looked at me weird but the girls understood my excitement. We parked by the gate and everyone filled out. The first person I saw was Uncle Brown.

"Poppet. You made it. Did you like your surprise?" Brown asked.

"But they are not the only cool people here." Nate said walking to the group with Jason.

"I know you two were here."

"How?" Nate said. The whole group was shocked about what Mitchie said.

"Because I saw Shane at the airport." I said as Brown left to go and get someone.

"Really? Did he," Nate asked.

"No he did not recognize me." I said clearing everything up.

Everyone saw Brown arrive with his friend. As Brown parked, a tall black shaggy hair boy came out. Nate walked up to him and gave him a hug and said,

"Shane, I want to introduce to you some of my friends."

"Whatever." Shane said not caring.

From what I see, Shane is back to his old self again; the arrogant jerk from the beginning of my first Camp Rock summer. I sighed when they came over to us.

"Shane this is Lola, Barron, Sander, Peggy, Ella, Tess, Caitlyn, and Mitchie." Nate paused at my name.

Shane just looked at us and walked away. He is worse than last year.

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