Chapter 12

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*Author's Note*

I can't believe I am updating two chapters in one day. I hope all my readers like it. And I am happy to say that there is going to be a lot of drama going to happen soon in the upcoming chapter. So here is another chapter. I do not own any rights to this song.

Everyone was getting ready for the PJ Jam. Mitchie was excited to be using her new song that she wrote. Everything was coming together. There were a lot of great performers playing tonight. Even Shane Gray showed up. Mitchie thought back to the first time Shane was here for his attitude and how he came to watch the PJ Jam.

*Flash Back*

Caitlyn was jamming out on stage with her keyboard and some great dance moves. Everyone was dancing along to her beat and even Shane Gray was bobbing his head.

"Wow she's good." Mitchie said looking at the stage.

"Even Shane likes her." Ella pointed out.

Tess walked over to the bunk bed and screamed,

"Ahhhhh! Snake!"

Everyone freaked out and Caitlyn stopped her performance. Dee Dee came over and said,

"It's only the power cord Tess." Dee holding the cord up to show everyone that it was not a snake. At that time Shane just shook his head in discuss and left. Caitlyn got down from the stage and confronted Tess,

"You are so full of yourself Tess. You just can't deal with it, which others might like what other people do."

Tess lead up three finger in the motion of 'W' 'E' 'M' and 'L'. Caitlyn looked confused and said,

"What is that?"

"She said whatever meager loser." Ella said doing the motions again. Everyone started to laugh at Caitlyn.

"Wow whatever meager loser. Like everyone knows that, well I guess not everyone." Mitchie said with sarcasm.

Everyone started to laugh at that. That was the first day Mitchie stood up to Tess.

*End of Flash Back*

The thing that got Mitchie out of her flash back was Dee calling her name to the stage.

"Hey everyone. I hope you all are having a great time." Mitchie said. "So I just wrote this song today. It brand new, tell what you think." Mitchie said as she started to strum her guitar.

There's a big old world outside of my door

Ain't gonna sit and watch it spin by no more

'Cuz it ain't slowing down or waiting on me

I'm gonna grab what I can while it's within my reach

I'm gonna dare to live

I'm gonna live to learn

I'm gonna learn to dream

And I'm gonna dream big

I'm gonna take a risk

And risk it all

'Til my all is all I have to give

I'm gonna dare to live

You know the past can steal your joy away

We're not promised tomorrow all we got is today

With each sunrise there's a brand new start

So take a deep breath and go and follow your heart

And dare to live

Live to learn

Learn to dream

And you gotta dream big

You gotta take a risk

And risk it all

'Til your all is all you have to give

You gotta dare to live

So take the chance

Make the choice

Start writing your own story

I'm gonna dare to live

I'm gonna live to learn

I'm gonna learn to dream

And I'm gonna dream big

Take the risk

And risk it all

'Til my all is all I have to give

I'm gonna dare to live

Yeah oh yeah

I'm gonna dare to live


I'm gonna dare to live

Everyone was applauding for Mitchie. Mitchie thanked everyone and got off the stage. She went to find Caitlyn and Nate. They were by the back waiting for Mitchie.

"Mitchie that was amazing!" Caity said jumping up and down in excitement.

"That was great. When did you write that one?" Nate asked impressed.

"After dinner. I had the lyrics in my head during dinner and quickly wrote them down after." Mitchie said.

"It looks like you took our advice and live life in the moment and take all the chances you get. I hope you take the biggest change that we talked about." Nate said with a smirk and eyed Shane.

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