Chapter 11

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Mitchie walked back to her cabin thinking of what her friends said. She knew they meant well and she loved that they really wanted to help. But they don't see that Shane is happy and Mitchie did not want to be the cause of him being unhappy. As she sat down on the steps of her cabin she saw Shane at the lake strumming his guitar. Mitchie thought back to the days where they would sit there playing music and just having a really good time. She really did miss those days.

Caitlyn tapped Mitchie's shoulder and say down next to her.

"You know we only wanted to help." Caitlyn said reassuring.

"I know and I am not mad at you. I have not been very willing in this." Mitchie said.

"Not really, but that is only because you don't know how to react to all of this. It is all too much on you." Caitlyn explained.

"Yeah, you are right. Being back at Camp Rock and seeing Shane again is actually hard on me. I just don't know what to do." Mitchie sighed in defeat.

"Well there is another way you can express it." Caitlyn suggested.

"What's that?" Mitchie asked.

"Singing it. By writing a song."

"Oh yeah. I know that. I have so many songs that I have written but just not finished. I just don't have that inspiration that I use to have when I was with....." Mitchie said.

"Shane." Caitlyn finished her sentence.

Mitchie just nodded in agreement. She took the words right out of her mouth. Ever since Shane lost his memory of her and their time at Camp Rock Mitchie did not have the inspiration she had to write songs. When she got an idea of a song, she would start to write it and would not finish it because she did not have someone there to spit ideas to.

"Well that is where your friends come in. You are coming with me." Caitlyn said taking Mitchie's hand and dragging her to Connect Three's cabin.

Caitlyn barged right into their cabin to find Nate sitting on his bed with a notebook and guitar in hand. He looked up to find Mitchie and Caitlyn in the middle of the room.

"How can I help you?" Nate asked.

"Mitchie needs help finishing songs. She has all of these great songs but they are not finished. You and I are going to help her finish them and get her inspiration to make more amazing songs." Caity explained to Nate.

"Alright. Where do we start?" Nate asked excited.

They sat in that cabin for the rest of the day writing and creating songs. Mitchie was so greatful to have friends like those two. She did not know where she would be without Nate or Caitlyn. Before they left the cabin to go to dinner they have finished five songs. Mitchie was happy with the progress she got. At the beginning of camp, she had no song written. Now she has five done and another one on it's way. Mitchie was also getting some inspiration by the help of Nate. Jason started to walk with them to the Mess Hall for dinner.

"So how was the song writing going?" Jason asked.

"Really good. Mitchie has some great songs finished and some great ideas too." Nate stated.

Mitchie smiled and started to hum one of her new song's melodies while they get their food. She was exited for this one because it really showed how much she was hurting inside. She could not wait for a Jam to sing it.

"Does anyone know when there is going to be another Jam?" Mitchie asked.

"Yeah tonight. It's the Pj jam. Are you thinking of singing one of you new songs?" Caitlyn asked.

Mitchie just nodded. Nate and Caitlyn were excited to hear her sing one of the finished five that they worked on today. But what they did not know was Mitchie was working on one in her head at that moment and she was going to sing that one for the Pj Jam.

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