Chapter 8

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Nate walked away from the lake. He was so frustrated with Shane. Shane just laid there stunned that Nate did that. Nate was always the calm and collected one of the bands. If Shane was not the one that got smacked then he would have never believed it.

Nate just keeps walking around the camp until he bumped into some one. Nate turned around to see Caitlyn. Nate ran back over and helped her pick her stuff up that feel. Nate handed her a notebook and said,

"I am so sorry Caity."

"It's alright Nate. Are you alright?" Caitlyn asked.

"No. I just did something that is not me." Nate said.

"What did you do?" Caitlyn asked worried.

"I just punched Shane." Nate admitted.

"Did you really?" Caitlyn said shocked and happy.

"Yes. Don't act so sad about it!" Nate said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry but he deserves it. Shane has become a total ass since he has dated Tess." Caitlyn said.

"She was there when I did it. She was freaking out and thought Shane was seriously injured." Nate admitted.

"Is he seriously injured?" Caitlyn asked.

"No, I just think he will have a nice black eye for right now." Nate said with a giggle.

Caitlyn couldn't help but laugh about that. She thought that was so funny. Nate looked at Caitlyn laughing and started to laugh with her. Jason walked over with Ella and asked what was so funny. Caitlyn looked at Jason and said,

"Nate..... Punched....... Shane!" Caitlyn tried to control her laughter.

"Did you really?" Jason asked shocked.

Nate just nodded his head because he could not speak between his laughter. Jason started to laugh too.

The rest of the day Shane was nowhere to be seen. Someone said that he heard Brown and Shane arguing in his cabin and Shane was refusing to leave the cabin. Everyone heard about the argument with Nate and Shane. Also how Nat punched Shane in the face.

*Author's note* Sorry about how late this chapter was. But I have been so busy with school and other stuff. But here is a chapter. I am sorry how short it is. But I promise that the next chapter will be longer and better. This chapter may be filler but here it is. I will try to update as soon as possible for now on. Thanks for everyone who is still reading this story. I know you are being patient with me and I thank you for that.

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