Preference #40 You're the lead in a play and he promises to be there, but isn't

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 You’re the lead in a play/ musical and he promises to be there, but isn’t Part 2

Sooo sorry I didn’t post sooner. I’ve been super busy. I’m sorry if this really sucks, I tried to get it done quickly.

Ashton: That night you kept tossing and turning, feeling bad for the way you treated your brother. Of course he missed your performance, but it’s not like you see him perform often either. You tip toed downstairs to see Ashton still awake, watching TV. “Ash..?” you hesitantly sat next to him on the couch. “I’m sorry about how I reacted-” Before you could say any more he was hushing you. “No Y/N. You didn’t even blow up like I expected… I’m the sorry one.” He pulled you into a hug. “I know your job is tough to predict and I should’ve understood that,” you explained. “It’s okay… and to make it up to you, maybe you’d like to tour with us this summer? I ran it by mom and dad..” you grinned and hugged him again, “Of course. I’d love to!” The “dispute” was simply solved, which surprised even you. One little conflict couldn’t break the relationship you and your brother had.

Michael: After the show, you and Michael got into a huge screaming match at home. “YOU HAD ONE THING TO DO FOR ME!I DON’T ASK YOU FOR ANYTHING Michael!” you cried at him. “Y/N I’M SORRY! YOU THINK I WANTED TO MISS THIS?” he yelled back. “You promised.. you never break your promises,” you whispered. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I really am, you have no idea.” You knew he was serious when you saw tears well up and him look away. “Michael… d-don’t cry. It was a stupid play… you had a job to do. I’m being selfish, I’m sorry.. I didn’t even enjoy myself.” You spilled out and wrapped an arm around his shoulders and kissed his head. “You shouldn’t have to apologize. It’s my fault.” “No. I shouldn’t have screamed at you. It’s a stupid show. No one even clapped,” you laughed and your brother cracked a smile. “I doubt it.. haha. But are you sure you’re okay?” “Of course. Don’t sweat it… it’s not something to hold a grudge over. I barely see you anyways and this is good enough for me.” Michael pulled you close and you smiled.

Calum: After hours of drowning in self pity, the door to your room opened and Calum immediately laid next to you in bed. He held you close as you cried even harder. “Shh, Y/N. I know I promised. I’m sorry please forgive me.” He stroked your hair and you calmed down enough to talk. “It’s not even you, Cal. It’s not. M-mom and dad, they hate me! They do-don’t care. I was just happy you were coming for me. All the-ey care about i-is work.” You hiccuped all throughout your explanation. “I know, I know,” he cooed while hugging you close. “I’m sick and tired, Calum.” He agreed and then made you look at him. “How about you come live with me, yeah? Mom and dad don’t have a single clue. Pack what you need for the weekend, we’ll come back for the rest.” He kissed your forehead and you shakily began to pack.

Luke: The boys decided to stay the night, which you were thankful for because you didn’t want to be alone with Luke. He’d give you the puppy dog eyes from across the room and you’d just scoot closer into Micheal’s side. “Hey Y/N.. could you help me get popcorn from the kitchen?” Calum gave you a look which meant something different. “..sure,” you hesitantly followed him. “Just forgive him, Y/N. He’s suffering in there and you know it. Just give him a hug, he’s been having a hard time lately. This might be the last straw, he wanted to be there so badly. Please?” Calum convinced. “… he does look pretty sad… You’re right Cal. Thanks for talking some sense into me.” You hugged and went back to the living room. “Luke, it’s okay… don’t think you’re to blame. I love you,” you whispered while sitting on his lap. “Love you too, Y/N. So much.. I’ll make it up to you.” Calum winked from across the room and you giggled, giving your brother a kiss on the cheek.

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