Preference #43 He Proposes As A Kid Then Actually Proposes When You're Older

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 He Proposes As A Kid Then Actually Proposes When You’re Older


(Age 4) “What’s this?” you asked and he laughed. “Rubber band.” “What is it for?” He held your hand and wrapped it around your finger. “I want to marry you.” “Now, Cal?” He nodded. “Yup!” 15 years later “Calum Hood, get your cute ass back here!” you chased him across the playground that you two still went to whenever you had the chance to. “Remember when we were little and we were here?” you asked, tired of chasing Calum around the park. He nodded and began pointing out different spots. “That’s where I kissed you and told me I was a gross boy but still a cute boy.” You blushed at the memory. “Your kisses have improved since then.” “And that,” he paused as he leaned against a tree and pointed to the tree next to you guys, “Is where I proposed to you with a rubber band.” you held up your left hand. “And I still have it, you, to this day, refuse to let me take it off.” He pushed himself away from the tree. “You can take it off now.” he says smoothly and you cock your head at him. “Why take it off now? He grinned and pulled something from his pocket. “So you can replace it with this diamond engagement ring! Marry me, (YN), for real this time though!”


(Age 6) “Mommy says if boys chase you, they like you!” you reply sassily to your friend Ashton, who had just gotten finished chasing you around your backyard. “My mommy says same thing, that’s why I do it!” “Why?” you ask and he sits on the ground. “Cause I like you, and I wanna marry you.” “When do you want to marry me?” He smiled and had you sit down in front of him. “Now!” 14 years later “Can’t believe my house used to be here.” you say quietly as Ashton walks behind you, the both of you going back to your hometown to look around. “I wonder what happened to the house.” Ashton walked past you and started to laugh, earning a glance from you. “What’s funny, Ash?” “There’s the tree stump where we sat across from each other, when we were like six or something and I told you I wanted to marry you then and there.” You giggle at the memory. “Yeah, and we had all our imaginary friends as guests, ate dirt cake.” Ashton nodded. “Our real wedding will be better though. Actual people, actual delicious cake.” You sat down in the spot you did all those years ago. “Our real wedding, Ashton?” “Yeah,” he says and mirrors how the two of you sat that one day. “Our real wedding, I picked this ring out for you and I hope you’ll say you’ll marry me. Will you?” You gasped at the sight of the ring. “A frog’s not going to be your best man this time, will it?” He chuckled. “He was a good frog, (YN), he was a good frog.”


(Age 12) “Middle school sucks!” he complains and falls face first onto your couch while you turn on your TV and video game system. “Yeah, but it won’t last forever.” “Will our friendship” he asks and you smile at him. “I don’t see why it won’t.” “We’ll be married some day playing video games all day and eating pizza!” You laugh as the game starts. “Are you asking me to marry you, Clifford?” He nod. “I am, (YLN), I am!” 7 years later “DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL!” You cheer as Michael peels out of the school parking lot and onto the road leading to your house. “All those years of school, and now I’m free!” “I’ve been free!” he says and you slap him. “I’m not talented enough to be in a band, Clifford, I was stuck and you left me behind!” He laughed. “You still agreed to date me, and you’re still dating me!” “Shut it!” you slap his arm again and he stops at your house. “What are we going to do now that you’re done with school, and I’ve been done with school?” You smirk. “Don’t you remember on the first day of middle school, you said you were asking me to marry you and when we were married we were going to spend all day playing video games and eating pizza? Whatever happened to that plan?” Michael chuckled as you sat on the hood of his car and stood in front of you. “I stay true to my promises. Here’s the ring i promised you, i hope you like it and i also hope you’ll still marry me. You will right?” You nod. “Only if we play video games and eat pizza.” “You can count on that for sure, babe!”


(Age 2) “I think he’s proposing to (YN)!” Liz cooed with your mom as the two of you each had candy. “Marry me?” he asked and your mom looked at Liz funny. “Where’d he learn to ask that and how to ask it?” Liz shrugged. “I don’t know, I’m assuming he’s been listening to his aunts talk about wanting to get married. He’s smart for his age.” “So is, (YN), she just said yes!” 18 years later “I asked her to marry me when I was 2?” Liz nodded as you and Luke went through old childhood photos. “Crazy, Luke!” you comment and he smirks. “It says here that you said yes!” Blushing you nod. “I’d still say yes, now, but, you’re not asking the question now.” “Who says I’m not?” he asks as Liz leaves the room, giving the two of you some privacy. “What, you still want to marry me?” “We’ve been dating long enough, and, well I knew from the start officially that you were the one for me. I’ve got a ring for you, here.” he grunted as he reached into his coat pocket to try and fish out the ring that he had gotten you. “Both of our moms helped me pick it out, they didn’t trust me to go get a ring for you by myself.” You giggle as he finally dug the ring out and showed you. “It’s beautiful, Luke.” He smiled ,revealing his gorgeous teeth. “So, you’ll marry me? Please marry me, (YN), I really love you and I really want you to be my wife and I want to be your husband!” you put a finger to his lips to silence him. “Breathe, Lucas, breathe! I’m saying yes! I want to be your wife and I want you to be my husband, so, we’re in complete agreement here. Should we start planning now?”

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