Preference #59 You hate each other but they lock you in the same room 2/2

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You hate each other but they lock you in the same room (part two)


Two weeks. It’s been two weeks since the day Ashton kissed you, and he hasn’t done anything to you ever since. You thought that things would change between the two of you after what he’s done, but he acted as if that kiss never happened. Ashton hasn’t left your head at all ever since that day, you would still remember how his lips felt on yours and the sensation it gave you when his lips moved with yours. You could remember your racing heartbeat and the sparks that exploded in your head when you kissed. You have been thinking of him every minute of every day, he was the only thing on your mind before you go to bed and the very first thing you think of when you wake up the next morning. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t get the thoughts of him out of your head and it was driving you crazy. When you tried to talk to him about it, he just glared at you and walked past, leaving you standing there in shock. You cried yourself to sleep that night, over some boy you were supposed to despise but ended up falling for. Your feelings for him turned from hatred to love in such a short period of time, and you thought he felt the same way you did. You couldn’t understand why he kissed you and told  you he liked you, when he would go back to hating you a few hours later. You remembered his words - about his confusion, and it left you to wonder whether or not he managed to answer the question he wanted the answer to. You wondered if he proved that he loved you, or if he proved that he didn’t with that kiss. You needed to know the answer, and you needed to know the answer now before you lost your sanity. You decided to resort to drastic measures, as he clearly didn’t want to talk to you. You pulled him into a closet and you shoved him onto a chair, and straddled him. It was the easiest method to get him to talk, you thought, when he was powerless and underneath you. “What do you want?” Ashton hissed as he looked up at me with those beautiful hazel colored eyes. Those eyes made you weak in the knees, although it was filled with rage and annoyance. You gathered your courage and glared right back at the blonde haired boy beneath you, “I think you already know what I want, Ashton,” His eyes flickered away from you for a moment and his lips curled into a frown, and you felt him relax from underneath you. “If it’s about that kiss two weeks ago, then I have nothing to say to you,” he replies, making you growl in anger. “All I need is answers,” You replied, your anger dissipating into sadness. You just couldn’t stay mad at Ashton, not when you felt something for him. You watched as he heaved out a long sigh, and his eyes found yours again, “Fine, go ahead. Ask me anything you wanna know and I’ll answer you truthfully. You deserve the truth after all, because I stole a kiss from you without your permission,” he mumbled under his breath, causing you to smile at the mention of the kiss. You hopped off his lap and smiled, “For starters, how about telling me how you feel about me. I want the truth and nothing but the truth, Irwin,” He opened his mouth to talk, but closed it once more. He fixated his gaze onto the ground, and he looked as if he was thinking about his words very carefully. Once he was done calculating his choice of words, he looked up at me once more and his lips curled into a small smile, “That kiss made me realize exactly how I felt about you, and I was exactly right,” He took a deep breath before he continued, “I fell for you, that’s exactly what happened. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I was just afraid because I knew you hated me and I knew you wouldn’t like me back if I told you and so I didn’t so I-” You rolled your eyes and grabbed him by the shirt, and tiptoed to press your lips against his. He closed his eyes and his hands travelled to your waist, pulling you closer. “Shut up Ashton, that kiss changed everything and I realized I like you a lot too,” you muttered as you leaned in for another kiss.


You slammed him up against the wall aggressively, and he chuckled upon your sudden aggression. “Why did you suddenly just kiss me after telling me that you hated me every single day?” You asked, determination twinkling in your eyes as you continued to press him against the cold wall. Michael left you confused and conflicted after that kiss in the closet, and you needed to know how he felt about you. You were confused because you needed to know if he felt something for you, and you were conflicted because you weren’t sure if you were to continue fighting these new feelings for Michael that started developing in your heart, or should you just welcome them in instead. You didn’t want to welcome them if you weren’t sure if Michael felt the same way, because that would only leave you heartbroken. You weren’t the kind to move on easily either, so if you did decide to fall for Michael, it would take you months to get over him and you didn’t want that. He gave you one of those infamous smirks of his, and shrugged, “I did hate you. I hated your attitude, I hated your laugh, I hated your voice, I hate everything about you. I love pushing your buttons though, that’s the only thing I loved about you,”  His words cut like a knife, and you could feel the familiar stinging in your eyes. You could also feel the moisture starting to stream down your cheeks, and you channeled the hurt you felt into anger. His face softened and the smirk disappeared from his lips when he saw the tears trickle down your face. “I fucking hate you Michael Clifford!” You shrieked as you began to hit him on the chest over and over. “I hate your stupid smirk, I hate your fucking stubble, I hate those beautiful green eyes of yours, I hate those amazingly plump lips, I hate that cute talking voice you have, I hate how you would let out this cute laugh everytime you find something amusing, I hate how you would lick your lips whenever you would talk, I hate the way you could mess your hair up and then fix it, I hate… I hate everything about you…” You broke down crying and fell on your knees, and he wrapped his arms around you, patting your back. “Calm down,” he shushes you, as you continued to sniff, sob and hiccup. You buried your face into his chest and cried all the hurt out, “I hate you because I actually believed that you liked me when you really didn’t, I hate you because you got me to fall in love with you and I hate you because you could hurt me without even lifting a finger,” You confessed as you continued to sob into his shirt. He stopped patting your back when those words leave your lips, and he let out a quiet chuckle, “Do you really do hate me? Do you really?” He challenges, making you furrow your eyebrows. You pulled away from him and looked him straight in the eye with a stern look on your face, but softened after a moment, shaking your head. “I don’t really hate you, Michael. I love you,” you muttered, your eyes finding the floor rather attractive. You heard him laugh one of those adorable laughs of his, before he pulled you into him, his lips crashing on your own. Your eyes widened at his sudden action, but you didn’t hesitate to kiss him back. You loved the feeling of his lips against your own, it felt great and it felt right with him. He pulled away first and he flashed you a smile, “I wouldn’t mind kissing you like this every single day, but you gotta let me take you out for dinner sometime. Oh, and I love you too,” he giggled, pecking your lips softly.

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