Preference #44 You're Dating Another One Of The Boys ..........

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You're Dating Another One Of The Boys and He Finds A Used Condom in Your Trash 


Today you had gone out with your girlfriends and Michael and the boys were together just goofing around and writing songs. While you were out, you found out you needed to have a piece of paper with a phone number on it but you left it at home. You called Mikey up, hoping your big brother would give you some help. After answering, Mikey sighed before agreeing to go into your room and read it to you off your little board in your room. He went in and quickly found the number, reading it to you. You thanked him and told him to tell Calum that you said hi and you’d see him later. Mikey hung up with a groan, turning to leave. He was still weirded out with the fact that his little sister was dating his band member. On his way out, he saw something in the corner of his eye in your trash can. He growled before yelling “CALUM!” and running to tackle him about the used condom he found.


You were hanging out at home with your big brother for the day. However, that didn’t mean you weren’t allowed to text your boyfriend, Michael. You giggled at another text that Michael had sent you and Ashton groaned, grabbing your phone from your hands and running off. You scoffed. “Ashton!” You yelled after him before finding him standing in the doorway of your room. You walked over to him. “Ashton. Give me back my phone. Ashton! Ashton? Hello?” He wasn’t replying or moving so you tried to look around him. However, you didn’t get very far before you were being pushed out to the living room by an angry Ashton. He had your phone up to his ear and before you could ask him what he was doing you heard him growl into the phone. “Clifford, you better get over here now because I think I need to have a talk with you and Y/N about a certain used condom I found in a certain baby sister of mine’s trash before I kill someone, preferably you.” You gulped knowing you were caught.


You may have been older by a couple of years but that didn’t stop Luke from still being a protective brother. He became even more protective when you started dating his band member, Ashton. You and Ashton hadn’t kept the fact that you did more than just kissing a secret but you tried to make sure Luke didn’t see anything that tied two and two together. Even though you were super careful about where you threw away used condoms, last time you had rushed to get it thrown away and cleaned up because your family had gotten home early. One day, Luke was helping clean up around and you had asked him to go grab the trash out of your room, forgetting what was in there. Luke quickly seeing it, came walking out with wide eyes and looking like he just saw a ghost. “You okay?” He shook his head before pointing to your room. You went over and saw what he was talking about, trying not to laugh. “Oops?” You said, pulling your innocent face. Luke looked at you before walking out the door with an “Ashton is dead.”


You were only a year younger but Calum treated you like you were still just a little girl. You both loved and hated it especially when it came to you dating Luke. You had been going out with Luke for a while now, but Calum still was sensitive about the topic. You tried keeping the PDA and details on the low but sometimes you couldn’t help but do something Calum didn’t like. The only thing you were sure of is that you didn’t want Calum to know you and Luke had sex. However, Luke forgot to get rid of the used condom from your bathroom trash and so when Calum went looking for the beanie you always stole from him, what he found instead made him go read in the face, and not from embarrassment. You had been out with your friends, getting a smoothie when Luke called you. “Hey Luke. What’s up?” It was quiet for a minute before Luke spoke up. “You might want to get home now or else Cal might break my face. He found the condom.” Your eyes went wide and you quickly said bye to your friends before rushing home to keep Calum from attacking your boyfriend.

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