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Pushing open the door to gold's shop, I look around the room. Ever since the curse broke, its I woke up from a dream. A really GOOD dream. It was like I had a new pair of eyes. Everything was different. Everything. With tears treating to spill out of my eyes I take a deep breath. "CROCODILE! Come out you coward!" I yell. I heard a deep chuckle behind me and I spun around. And there, in all his dark one glory, was rumplestilskin. I was filled with rage. My knuckles were white, gripping the knife in my hand. "Hello dearie." He said. " its been a while." I said and scowled.  " you don't really think that will kill, do you?" Just as I was about to answer the door swung open. " Victoria stop!" It was the savior her self. I glared at her. " my name is NOT Victoria, its alizza, and I suggest you remember that princess." I say useing my pirate voice, my accent thick and heavy. My father always said you don't NEED violence to make people afraid of you, you just need the right additude. I don't think she was scared, but she was definitely surprised. " what's your FULL name, um, alizza?" She said curious but also nervous. I smirked. 'Its like she's afraid of the answer.' I thought. " alizza malia jones." I say and take a mock bow. Her jaw went slack and her eyes wide.  "you yyour kkkillians daughter?!?! " she said studdering. I scowl at her. " how do you know that?" I demanded. " I met your father in the enchanted forest, he helped us find the compass." Suddnly angry I kicked her legs out from under her, jerking her hair back and holding a knife to her throat. She gasps for air. " emma!" Mary Margaret yells and tries to help her, but charming holds her back. I didn't even notice they were here. " your lying, my father is dead. He died a long time ago. " I hiss at her. It was sad, but true. My father died in never land, from dreamshade, the same way my uncle liam did. " no he's not I swear it!" She manages to gasp out. " prove it." I say, removing the knife. She takes a deep breath. " we have him, he's in the police station. " she pants. I suddenly can't breath. Could my papa really be alive? I point my blade at the charmings. "Ok, just put the knife down." David says putting up his hand and talking to me like I'm a child. I glared at him and snow. " not until you take me to my pa...." My voice trailed off as I felt presser on the back of my head. Then everything went dark.

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