Your alive?!

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My hands are shaking as I open the door. Its been over 300 years since I have seen my father and that hole time I held the apprence of a ten year old so I knew he wouldn't recognise me, now that I look fifteen. Walking into the room, I took a deep breath and made my way over to the bed. He looked exactly as I remembered him. He was a sleep so I could get a good look at him. I almost cried. I had missed him so much and now here he is alive and well. I knew that if I stayed to long I would cry so I began to walk around the room. I spent at least five minutes looked though my fathers things. I was about to look through his stachle when I heard a deep voice from behind me. " what are you doing lass?" I froze and spun around looking My father with wide eyes. He didn't look angry, but confused and maybe even curious. I could move, let alone speak. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. He chuckled. " cat got your tongue love?" He asked. Once I was able to speak again I asked him the thing I wanted to ask since I knew he was alive. " do you remember me?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow. " should I?" I nodded. " yes. You should. But I'm not surprised you don't. I look very different." He cocked his head to the side. " what's your name lass?" He asked me. " you really want to know?" He scoffed. " I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to know." He said. I walked to the front of the hospital bed. " you wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Try me." I took a breath. "My alizza." I said and then I waited.

*Killian's POV*
I froze, looking at the girl in front of me. No, I thought it isn't possible. Looking at her though, I knew it was true. Sure her long blond hair now held black in its tresses and her eyes, once a brilliant blue, was now held pain and sorrow. But she was beautiful. So grown up from the last time I saw her. My beautiful ally

 My beautiful ally

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But she was dead. How is this possible? "Ally?" I whispered. She smiled through her tears. "Hi papa." She said and I broke. Pulling her into my arms I allowed myself to cry for the first time in a very long time. " my sweet girl, how is this possible?" I asked

Alizza pov*
I sniffed and pulled away from him.  "I don't know." I said and laughed. He wiped away my tears with his good hand." Where is your hook papa?" I asked laughing. He smirked. " it seems to have been stolen by a blond princess." He whispered. I giggled. " you mean emma?" I asked. He cocked his head. " so my princess has meet my little pirate hmm?" " I'm not your princess hook." Said a voice from behind me. I turned to see emma standing in the doorway. My father smirked. " my two favorite girls in the same room. Its like a dream come true. Speaking of which, how exactly is this possible?" I sigh. " its a long story so sit back."

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