The cell

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I could hear a faint buzzing coming from somewhere in the room. My was foggy and I felt like I was being weighed down by a ton of bricks. I sat up, feeling dizzy as hell. I looked around the room. Or cell I should say. "Bloody hell." I muttered. "Like father like daughter." I whipped my head around to see emma, the queen, snow charming, and Henry all standing around the room. I scowled. " you knocked me out?!" I growled full of rage. The queen smirked. "You had a dagger to Mrs. Swans throat, what exactly were we supposed to do? Give you a metal?" I got up off the bed and looked around. " I thought you said my father was here?!" I nearly screamed. "He was, but something happened. You were out for a couple of hours and a lot went down. He's in the hospital." My world stopped and it was like I had lost him all over again. "Is he ok?" I whispered feeling like a kid again. I saw all their faces soften. "Hey, it'll be ok. " Henry said and sat on the out side of the cell. I didn't really know him, he was a few grades below me, but he seemed sweet. I smiled, my first real smile all day. "Thanks Henry." I say and wipe away my tears. "Alizza? Do you wanna go see him?" Snow asked. I looked up at her in awe." Really? I held a knife to your daughters throat and you still want to help me? Why?!" I asked confused. She smiled. " I can tell your a good person, and who knows, maybe seeing you will change him." I smile at her and prayed that she was right. " ok." I whispered. Emma stepped over Henry grabbing the keys and unlocking the door. I stood up and dusted off. " thanks prin....emma. Thank you emma." I said and she laughed. " your welcome ally." I was in shock. Only my dad called me that. She must have noticed the look on my face. " what is it?" She asked.  "nothing." I replied and smiled at her. She looked like she didn't believe me but nodded anyhow. "Ok." I breathed. " lets go see my dad."  

*20 min later*
We were standing in the hospital room waiting for the nurse to tell us what room my father was in. I must have been shaking because David looked at me with concern. " are you ok?" He asked. I smiled lopsidedly.  "yes, just nervous, I don't know how my father will react to seeing me." He chuckled. " yeah, I suppose I would be nervous to." I smiled at him as emma came over to us. " ok kid, he's in room 14. You gonna be ok? Do you want someone to go with you?" She asked. I shook my head. " no I need to do this alone. But when I come back we will all go to grannys for cheeseburgers, savey? " I asked. She smirked. " you really are just like your dad, aren't you?" I giggled. " did you expect anything less?" I asked her. "No." Was her simple replie. She pulled me into a hug. I stiffened at first but then relaxed. When she let go I had tears in my eyes. " go talk to your dad kid." I nodded and headed for room 14.

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