Chapter 1

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I couldn’t help but stare at the scene infront of me. I just oh so happened to get overtime in my part time job at McDonalds. I’m still in college but if things go well, I would be graduating. I didn’t want to be a burden to my parents so I started living independently from them. But don’t get me wrong. I still visit them as much as I can.

A man laid there on the concrete floor of the alley with another man standing over him. I could faintly see a crest of some sort and I swear I’ve seen that somewhere before but I just couldn’t place my finger on it. The stench of blood was overwhelming and words of cussing were being exchanged between the two shady men.

Then, the man that was standing brought out a gun from his inside pocket. I recognized the gun as a rare model that could only be seen in a black-market. I knew this since my dad was a cop and I learn things from him from time to time. I saw him positioning the end of his gun on the others chest. The other man just smirked and said something in a meek voice. It only seems to anger the one holding the gun since he just pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

A loud gunshot was heard.

I gasped and froze. I slowly started to walk backwards and before I could escape, I accidentally kicked a can of coke. The sound echoed at the silent street thus, enabling the man to hear it. He turned his head and saw me. He then began walking to my direction.

I wanted to go, to flee, to run away from there as fast and as far as I could go. But for some unknown reason, I couldn’t. I couldn’t move an inch from where I stood.

‘Is this what they called YIPS?’

I learned it from a show. Yips was when the body freezes, making it hard for that person to move. It’s usually caused by nervousness or fear. Could it be I’m too afraid that my body can’t even move?

‘Move dammit!’ I cursed in my head, forcing my body to move.

But it was already too late. The man stepped out of the alley and onto the deserted sidewalk with me. The small light from the light post allowed me to see the man clearly this time. And I have to say, he has looks.

His hair was a messy black hair with some red highlights which complemented his fair skin tone and his piercing green eyes, which I think are contact lenses. He had a big built but not too big like the heavy lifters but it seems just enough to take down a gang.

Lastly, he was wearing a freaking black suit that has silver linings and is probably imported from another country based on the silk used. Not to mention that his aura was practically screaming “DANGER!”!

“You…” his voice was deep and masculine but it’s somehow…weak.

I closed my eyes shut as I braced myself for an impact and my possible end.

‘I’m sorry mom and dad. I knew you wanted me to follow on your footsteps and help you but it looks like this is the end of the road for me. Bea, my cute shitsu dog, I’m sorry but I won’t be able to bring home the treats that you like. Hannah, Riza, Gee and Ysabelle, I’m sorry I couldn’t go to any more blind dates and shopping. I love you guys so much and I-!!!’

My silent prayer was cut short when I fell on the floor with a heavy thing on top of me. I hesitantly opened my eyes and saw the dangerous man unconscious and bleeding. I clenched my fists. I had no other choice. I can’t worry my parents by involving myself in a scene like this!

“Why do I have to be so nice?” I said to no one in particular.

I’ll just deal with him on my own. But little did I knew what I had gotten myself into as I helped this unknown stranger regain his health back.

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