Chapter 6

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            He looked at me, examining me like a disease. He put the gun down and placed his elbows on the desk and his chin on the back of his hands. His onyx eyes were piercing that I swear if it can shoot bullets, I’m already full of holes!

            “I see you’d make a fine bride for my son. You just need a little more jewels and education on etiquette,” he said while keeping his eyes on me.

            I almost chocked on my own saliva, “Excuse me sir but did you just say ‘bride’?!”

            He chuckled, “Yes young lady. You do want to right?”


            The bastard was the one who spoke, “You helped me. And in our world, helping me, or at least saving my life, is a big deal. So the old man here thought of repaying you by engaging you to me, his son.”

            I stood up, “Y-You can’t! I-I-I can’t! I mean, I’m too young and what the hell is with that decision?!”

            His father glared at me. I immediately became conscious of my current position and meekly sat back down on the chair.

            “She’s a feisty one. And you like that? I thought you’d like the more… sexual, mature and submissive type?” he asked his son.

            The bastard smirked, “They’re just a way to pass boredom and time. While she, on the other hand, as you just witnessed is interesting and very entertaining. Don’t you agree?”

            There was silence at first. The atmosphere was very thick and awkward before his father laughed.

            “Yes, I agree. Go and make the preparations. Leave the wedding and the invitations to me and your mom. Go and notify her parents-”

            “Excuse me, sir,” I interrupted, “But I’m still underage. Isn’t it illogical? And I think your son would look better with the mature women than with a child like me.”

            “No,” he said in an instant.

‘Like father like son’ I guess…

“The two of you would be married after you graduate college or when you are at least in the legal age. So for now, you would be pronounced as engaged to each other,” he said as he told us to leave his office for he had more paperwork to finish before dinner time.

I was speechless. I can’t believe what was going on. I was a free teenager just a while ago, in my 2nd year of college and dreams to have her own happy ending. Now this shit happens? After the doors were shut closed, I glared at the bastard.

“What the fuck bastard? I won’t marry you, you hear? Never,” I said in my serious voice.

I was still 17 and my birthday is only a few more months before my fate is sealed with him. And I still want to do a lot of things with my life! I have a ‘things-to-do’ list!

He just raised a brow, “You still rejecting the idea? Well, sorry but once that old man decides something, nobody can go against his wishes.”

“Why? You are seriously going to marry me?”

He then looked at me amused, “Why not? You make things interesting.”

“So I’m just a toy to you?”


“And you’d leave me once you get tired of me?”

“Most likely.”

“And what happens to me after?”

“You’d still get the benefits of being my wife but I’d take another toy in your place.”

I felt a vein pop. WHAT. THE. FUCK.


I didn’t bother to think of where to go. I just want to get away from that place as soon as possible before more bad things happen to me. And being suddenly engaged against my will is more than enough in my plate.

I mean… What is he thinking? Hell! Is he even thinking at all? Forcing me to be his wife? Making the point that I ‘saved’ him to be a reason to get married! He’s an adult and I thought adults take life seriously! So what’s his deal? Being a bastard like that I ought to-!

I suddenly felt a hand grab my wrist and I was spun around. I looked to see that bastard standing there with the kind of aura that could scare anyone shitless.

“Look. I don’t like it as much as you. I’m irresistible. I’m not made to settle down,” he said like it was some kind of fact; a given.

I ‘hmp’-ed. “Yeah right. Look. Just because you are liked by most women that doesn’t mean you’re irresistible to everyone.”

“Oh? Give me a name that would possibly not fall under my charms?” his face then had a grin as if challenging me.

“There are some guys and me who doesn’t,” I said with smirk of triumph.

But the grin on his face wasn’t wiped out as I had predicted. In fact, it grew even more. “Then I’ll make you fall in love with me. And guys aren’t included.”

I rolled my eyes, “You can try but I’m betting you that you won’t succeed in that. Good luck finding another toy-erm-fiancé!”

“I’ll do it. And you’d be glad that I even decided to do it too.”

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