Chapter 4

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             “What the fuck?”

          I suddenly stood up form my seat, unintentionally as I just saw something outside the window. It’s been 3 days since that happened! Why now?!

            “What’s up?” Hannah raised a brow.

            By their looks, it looked like they were surprised that I just cursed out loud. All of their eyes were wide with confusion and surprise in them. I looked back at them and smiled nervously.

            “I-It’s n-nothing. Ehe-he…he…” I stuttered.

            ‘The hell? What did I do to make the heaven hate me so much?’

            I’m really thankful that our teacher left us to have our self-study time. Not too soon after, the bell rang signalling that classes were finally over. I told the gang that I had an emergency and I really need to leave.

            “Is it a boy?” I almost tripped when I heard Hannah’s voice. Keyword: ALMOST.

            “O-Of course not!” I shouted then left the room in a hurry.

            “It’s a boy alright…”

            “Could it be the guy she helped?”

            “It’s 80% possible.”

            I rushed outside and saw lots of girls by the gate. ‘Oh drat. I need to get out of here without making me the attention…’

            I tried to act natural while hiding at the same time. I could blend with the surroundings in an amazing pace. They say I could ‘disappear’, or so they tell me. I’ll trust my blending abilities to get away before I get noticed-!”

            “Hey you!”

            “SHIT!” ‘I’ve been seen!’

            I ran. I didn’t bother about the other people. I pushed my way through the mob and hopefully, I can outsmart that person. I mean, why is he even here?!


            ‘Is he joking? No way in hell am I stopping!’

            “Are you deaf?! I said stop bitch!”

            ‘WTF? Did he just call me bitch?!’

            I immediately stopped and turned to him, “How dare you call me a bitch, you asshole?”

            The people of the streets began to look at us and slowly scooted away, seeing a guy in an expensive suit and a dangerous aura.

            “That poor girl…”

            “I wonder what she did to him…”

            ‘Why does this scene look like I was the one who did something? Why can’t it be the more dangerous looking type?’

            He finally caught up to me as he took some breath, “You sure can run for a fat girl.”

            My eye twitched, “First you called me ‘bitch’ and now you call me ‘fat’! What the hell is wrong with you?!”

            The person who ran after me was the same man that I stupidly helped. An expensive looking car suddenly stopped by us. Another man got out of the car and bowed to that bastard.

            “You car, sir.”

            “You’re late Persie,” he said as he growled in irritation.

            By the looks of him and by his tone, he looked like he was finally healed. I didn’t want to admit it but he looked hot. He was wearing a silver vest and a black polo underneath, and a white handkerchief at the left side of his vest. He looked handsome and hot. Damn I’m even holding my blush back!

            Then, I saw him walk towards me in a cool and calm way. I didn’t move. Before I knew it, that man is standing infront of me. We looked eye to eye; my brown eyes at his green eyes. It was already too late when I noticed his hand as he pulled me, pushed me inside the car, went to the drivers’ side and drove away.

            “Where the hell are you taking me?” I shouted as I tried to unlock the door to make my escape.

            “To my place, bitch,” he said with a monotone voice.

            “Like I want to know earlier, why the hell are you calling be ‘bitch’! I have a name you know, you asshole!” I told him.

            He looked at me like I was crazy, “You should be honoured! It’s not every day that a poor girl like you can sit next to a guy like me!”

            I scoffed, “Ha! Like I asked to be here! Now get me off of here!”

            “No,” was his quick reply.





            “I’m still a minor and I’ll file you a crime of kidnapping!”

            “!” The car immediately stopped.

            “Hahahahaha!!” He laughed.

            Now it’s my turn to look at him weirdly. Why is he laughing? Did he think I was joking?!

            “Look here! I have the right to sue you! My father is a police and my mother is a lawyer!” I threatened him.

            “And you think they can lay a hand on me? ME? Do you even know who I am?” he asked proudly. He reminds me of how Winona is now… -_- And it’s getting on my nerves.

            I tried to regain my composure, “Then pray tell… who are you?”

            He smirked. Oh how I want to punch his face right now. He opened the car door and stepped out; I followed suit. When I stepped out, a man – a butler – was standing there infront of what looks like a mansion. Wait. Hold it. What the fuck?!

            I looked at the smirking guy that I was sitting with earlier inside the car.

            ‘Just who is this guy?’

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