Chapter 3

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“YOU DID WHAT?” Hannah, the slowest one in terms of comprehension, practically shouted to the whole world.

“You have to be kidding me!” Gee, or Gienny, is the fun and the craziest among us.

Riza, the girl who likes to think things through and logically, raised a brow. “Seriously?”

“…I honestly have no comment on that.” Ysabelle, is the carefree yet can also get serious and moody sometimes type. But this time, she just chose to ignore me.

Second period just ended and it was finally break time. The five of us always sat near each other. I would sit next to the windows, Hannah always sits next to me, Riza sat infront of us, and Gee would be Ysabelle’s seatmate behind us.

It’s just our little circle of friendship since it looked like we have our own world from the rest of our classmates. Some would see us as a weird bunch, some say we are ‘unique’. Everytime we hear them talking like that, we would just laugh it off. We just let them think what they want to think about us. But we aren’t outcasts, just to make that clear.

Well, I told them what happened last night, skipping the hot body part and some descriptions about him. I just gave them the summary. Oh! And I left out the part that I saw him kill a man in an alley. I don’t want to scare them and think that I’m siding with a criminal.

“I didn’t think that you’d go for a bad boy, Ai,” Ysabelle said.

I rolled my eyes, “I am not.”

Gee giggled at my reply, “So you just took an injured man that you didn’t even know that was wounded and beaten up to your flat just to patch him up? Did I sum that all right?”

“Basically, yeah,” I nodded.

We spent the rest of the day normally. The teachers are still boring, the subjects are mind-tearing and I swear I’ll punch the daylights out of that bitch, Winona. I mean, how can she even still look proud while still being a slut? It’s like her pride, for Pete’s sake!

“How the hell does she do that?”

Riza looked at me, “Who?”

I signalled to Winona, “Her.”

“Oh… Her…”

The rest of the gang sighed. We just stared as lots of guys gather around her while some were shy so they just sneak a peek on her whenever they pass by. It was disgusting. She was a whore. But nobody could deny that she was a total beauty.

Her blond curly hair made her blue eyes stand out and her skin was fair. She didn’t have any pimples, wrinkles, dark spots or anything that can ruin a person’s appearance. Heck! Even she had an hourglass figure, one that every girl would kill to have and every guy would drool over.

I’m a little jealous; I mean it was only natural to be. But her attitude is like a 180 degree turn from her appearance. She was mean, naughty and never nice. It’s a wonder how some people follow her around and serve her like a queen.


“Why the sudden interest?” Ysabelle asked.

I shrugged, “Nothing much... It’s just that it’s a question why men still flock around her despite knowing that she’s a whore.”

Gee laughed, “They just want to get her to their bed. It’s not like someone actually loves her.”

“But think about it,” I reasoned, “They would do everything for her like they are hypnotized. I bet they’d kill anyone if she wants them dead.”

“And that’s why we stay away from her,” Hannah said as she drank her coffee.

I sighed. They were right. That was the reason why we stay away from her at the first place. It was just hard to imagine that after being with her at the past, she changed so much to a person we can’t even recognize.

Yah. That’s right. Winona was a friend of ours. We were a group of 6. She was a nerd but we still love her. We were always a team. But I think it was our mistake in the first place. We failed to notice that she was really wasn’t one of us. She couldn’t handle not being noticed or not being sociable with others. And we even failed noticing that she was being bullied when we weren’t around.

It was after she betrayed us, that we noticed our failure to her. She went to us looking all princess-like with her hair curled; her nails polished and manicured; her clothes fancy and her eyeglasses gone. She invited us out, encouraging us to go to the acquaintance party. When we got to our destination, a bucket of animal blood was poured on us and some eggs. The whole school was there. We were embarrassed. They were laughing at us. We looked at each other then at Winona. She was smirking and laughing with all the rest.

“You made the right choice, Winona.”

“They are losers and you’re a winner.”

“Besides, they were just afraid that you’d out shine them. That’s why they let you like that.”

After that, she made an effort till she got that hourglass figure. It broke our hearts that she left us and humiliated us along the way. I sighed. We can’t do anything to change her now. She looked like she would stay like that forever.

“Oh Winona… Why?”

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