Chapter 7

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I hate my life. What did I do to deserve this?

“Introduction first right?” that bastard smirked and stood straight and proud. “The name’s Johan Mace. And I’m already 23. Your turn.”

“And why should I introduce myself to you, you bastard?”

He scoffed, “You know as well as I do that you don’t have a choice, sweetie.”

I glared at him, “Fine. Ai Fleming, 17 years old.”

"Where’s your house?”

"Excuse me?” I raised a brow. Now he’s asking that?

He shrugged, “You might’ve changed the address of where you took me like a normal person.”

“Then I guess that makes me not normal then,” I said as I started to walk away.

And for some reason, and thankfully, he didn’t follow me.

I thought that he’d leave me alone but I was wrong. The following day, there was a ruckus by the gates. The cause of the ruckus? Him, who else? I sighed.

"Uhm… Hey, Ai?” Ysabelle tapped my shoulder.

I looked over to her in boredom. “What?”

I didn’t like being rude specially to those that are close to me but for reasons I can’t say, I can’t help it. Sorry guys.

I saw G and Riza look at each other in worry and Hannah was by the window, looking over at something. I don’t really care.

“Lately you don’t look so good…” Riza said with concern.

I have been told that I had eye bugs these past few days, my eyes are dull, I’m quiet, my skin is paler and everything which isn’t the normal me.

G nodded, “Yeah. Especially after that strange guy showed himself and now is stalking you.”

Yeah. After proclaiming that he’d make me fall in love with him, he had been stalking me. Everytime school ends, he would grab my arm and pull me away. And whenever I was going to buy something from the groceries, he would always tail me.

I sometimes feel like I am some kind of suspected criminal. With all the stalking he does, I mean. Doesn’t he have work to do? Or things to be done? Wait. Does he even have a job?

Thank goodness that I am free in school and at the flat. For some reasons, even though he knows where I am staying and he, even now as a resident there at the floor before mine, never broke in.

Actually, when I first learnt that he was going to be staying there at the same flat, but different room, I couldn’t close my eyes. I mean, who knows what he’s going to do to me if I ever tried to sleep! I don’t want to wake up with him beside me or inside my room in that matter. And after 2 weeks, I couldn’t keep it up anymore. I’m human and I also need sleep!

I talked to him straight out and told him that I also need my personal space. And I also threatened him if ever he entered my room. He just laughed. It wasn’t an evil laugh or a sarcastic laugh. It was genuine.

“I know. You’re still a female and I’m a gentleman.”

“But it’s strange,” Hannah suddenly spoke.

We all looked at her, showing her that she had our full attention.

"What is?” Ysabelle asked.

We watched as she pointed towards outside the window, “He isn’t there by the gates.”

That is weird. I peaked and saw no signs of that bastard. I feel relieved and glad even. But somewhere in my gut, something tells me that he is planning something I would not like.

“Alright, class!” Mr. Robert greeted as he entered the classroom.

We all greeted in return. And everyone sat at their proper and respective seats.

“I have an announcement to make,” he said. “Mrs. Wendy, your math professor is about to go into labour so you would have a temporary teacher in her stand.”

My eyes widened. ‘Please don’t tell me it’s him

“Please come in.”

The doors opened and there stood…

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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