Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

To Kiss away the Spell

Sakuragi step off his feet on the ground to let the lady kitsune, sitting behind him to go down slowly from his bicycle.

After the class, Rukawa invited Sakuragi to their house to finally meet her parents. Too good that there's still no practice for basketball so the redhead came along.

As he park his bike, he looked around to look for the kitsune's house. "Oi kitsune, where's your house?" He asked, wandering his eyes around, amazed at the luxury apartments in front of them. He looked at the lady kitsune then followed her gazed.

"Here." She said, pointing at the huge gate behind them where they stand, painted in red and golden with an artistic dragons carved on it and pressed the intercom.

Slowly, the gate opened and an old man came out smiling gently at them. "Welcome home, Kaede-sama." He greeted, wearing a black suit matches with a white bowtie. "And welcome, Sakuragi-sama, please come in."

Sakuragi flabbergasted when the old man opened the gate wider, revealing a huge Chinese-style mansion inside.

"Do ahou...let's go." She said and pull the redhead's hand when she noticed that he's too dazed to see their house. Dragging him inside followed by the servant, carrying Sakuragi's bicycle.


Rukawa went upstairs and left the redhead in the living room to change her uniform. The old man introduced himself as Keisuke-san, their butler. He can't stopped his eyes from looking here and there. The living room was stylish, fabulous for the commoners like him that made him felt nervous and shrunk.

As the old man pour a tea on the teacup, he ask him. "Ano...Keisuke-san...are they collectors of Chinese thingy?" Gazing at the varieties of dragons, then to the small rounded zodiac-animals jade figurines, and Buddha that displayed in the living room.

The old man smile. "No, Sakuragi-sama. They are Chinese, I mean half-Chinese half- Japanese."

"Waa...really? Didn't know that!" He exclaimed.

"Hehehe. Yes." The old man chuckled. "Kaede-sama's parents and ancestors were both Chinese-Japanese." He added.

Sakuragi stood promptly when he saw Rukawa walking along with a tall man, wearing formal black suit that was the perfect copy of the kitsune, and voluptuous woman, unlike the kitsune's slender figure, almost tall and pale as same as her. No doubt that they were her parents.

He's quite surprised to see her wearing a traditional Chinese clothes like her mother, with her hair tied in a tight round ball at the back.

The woman smile at her. "Please sit down... Sakuragi-kun. We're so glad to finally meet you." She said politely.

The redhead's impression on her was she's an glamorous and intelligent woman. He looked at her and turned at kitsune who sats in between them, across him. "Nice to meet you too...Rukawa-san."

The woman cover her lips and giggle. "Hihi, no need to be so formal Sakuragi-kun, just call me Kamiko-chan...hihihi." Rukawa glare and elbow her to stop from giggling. "Ehem...I mean Kamiko-san. And this is my husband..." Rukawa stood to change her seat, next to her mother. "My husband, Wei. Popsy this is Sakuragi-kun."

The redhead unexpectedly tactful and well-mannered that took Rukawa by surprise. The redhead stood and offer his hand to her father for the shake hands, as her father gladly accepted it.

"Nice to meet you Sakuragi-kun." He said emotionless.

Sakuragi sat and scratch his head shyly. Their personalities were too intimated. He's not used to meet a rich and glamorous people like them. Just to think of it, the kitsune itself was actually a glamor person too. "Nice to meet you Rukawa-san." He was overwhelmed by the man's attractive and reserved personality.

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