Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: Slam Dunk belongs to Takehiko Inoue-sensei

Unbreakable Spell...

Sakuragi pause for a bit then slowly to unlock the door. Once he enter the house, he let a sigh of weariness then murmur 'Tadaima'. He carelessly throw his duffel bag at the couch of the living room then went straight at the kitchen.

He open the fridge to take out the leftovers. After he open the food container, he sigh again while taking a fork. It's really lonely to eat alone, he muttered to himself. He lazily pulled a chair and starts to eat the food without bothering himself to heat it.

His eyes travels around the kitchen while munching his food when his brown sleepy eyes accidentally catches a blue and red apron hanging on the wall.

A tears of mixed pain and sadness formed into his eyes as he stared at those aprons. God how he missed the days he spent with Rukawa. It's been a month since the last time he talk to him at the rooftop. Despite the fact the he sees the kitsune during the practice, they ignored each other's presence as if they were a stranger.

He recalls those day that he's excitingly went back home and greet 'Tadaima' knowing that there was someone special who will always greets him "okaerinasai Hana'.

Since he was a kid, he always dream that one day by the time he reach home, at least one person is welcoming him home. But that simple wish didn't came true since he become an orphan at his very young age.

And then Rukawa came unexpected, that made his simple childish wish come true. Although it's hurts to admit, his childish wish didn't last longer as the kitsune never wanted him in his life that left a huge empty space on his heart.

Sakuragi wipe off his tears and return the food on the fridge as he lost his appetite from those sad memories. After he washed the fork he used, he turn off the light and decided to go upstairs to sleep.

He take off his clothes, neatly folds and placed it on the table, then opened his closet to put on some pajamas. He open his duffel bag to emptied it and put the dirty clothes on the laundry basket

He sluggishly went to the bathroom just to brush his teeth, since he already took his bath at the gym. He noticed that he lost some weight due to his appetite. Lately, he's not eating well like he used to be. And there were a times that he got dizzy for some unknown reasons and became more sensitive when it comes to the taste and smell of the food he's eating. And what's bothering him the most was he get easily pissed off or annoyed over something silly.

"Hana..." Somebody called his name. He hurriedly turned his head when he heard the familiar voice and saw Rukawa sitting on his bed waiting for him.

"Ka... did you...?" His question was answered when Rukawa showed him a key. He just shrugged and sneered. What a stupid question to asked, he thought. They lived together before, so obviously the kitsune had his own house key. "What do you want?" He asked, avoiding Rukawa's eyes.

"Hana... I'm so sorry. " he stood and approached the redhead, standing so close and desperate to touched him.

"Fine...just go and leave me alone." Sakuragi replied in anger and yanked Rukawa's hand away from him. "Don't ever touch me!" Eyes widen when the raven-hair guy grabbed him and forcefully shoved him on the bed. "What the hell do you want!" he yelled as Rukawa pinned him. He was taken aback and found himself faltered, so exhausted to fight him back.

"I miss you Hana..." Rukawa whispered. The redhead's flared slowly softened when the kitsune runs his warm hand over his face.

"Just tell me what you want, Kae.. Rukawa...." He gulped as he trembled and felt weaken by those touch. He wanted more of it. He was longing for those touch for so long, those calloused yet gentle hands caressing and wandering on his body so lovingly, passionately. He looked at him as their eyes locked on each other. Blushed creeps all over his face and avoided those longing and lustful gazed he's getting from the kitsune.

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