My Poor Interactions

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Living alone and not interacting for periods of time has obviously left me out of touch with reality ...

Or maybe it's just me period...

I have long known that my filers don't filter just so...

When asked questions no matter how probative I either answer the question or refuse to answer

Usually on the grounds that I WILL incriminate myself

So to avoid any future foul ups

Please allow me to apologize for answering any questions that may or may not be asked

And while I am apologizing

Please accept my apologies for any comments past, present and future...


And because I have not been in my sessions lately...

Should I write or say anything offensive

Even though I apologizing now

I am not above apologizing later...

There's only one problem
My filers don't work like most people's

So I may see it as I answered a question

Or made a comment

Or expressed myself



Forgive me...

My Poor Interactions©

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