His Woman

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She was just our mother...

To him...

She was everything...

She cooked and cleaned for him

She patched him up when the big bad old world kick him in the pants

She had his children and took great care if them

She listened to not only his worries but his fears, desires and bullshit (and there was a lot of that!!!)

She turned his house into his castle

She was the love of his life, his lover, his best friend


She was the keeper of all of his revenue (she gave him an allowance)

She was what made him truly a man

She was his woman!!!

I never thought what it must be like for him

She was just our mother

To him...

She was everything!!!

           His Woman©


Dad is getting on up in numbers...

I spent most of yesterday afternoon with him...

We talked about all kinds of nonsense as we sat...

He confided in me just how much my mother meant to...

It was all I could do to keep from outright crying...

She was our mother...

But to Dad...

She was everything...

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