Chapter 1

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This is my first story on Wattpad and my first actual story attempt at Twilight fanfiction. These characters are not my own and are owned by Stephenie Meyer. (Except for the characters I created). Read it and tell me what you think.  Xoxo Mich.

Chapter 1

Edward’s POV


Tick Tock Tick Tock

The clock seemed to be going slower than normal. However, our history teacher’s monotone voice seemed to be droning on as it always did. He was talking over the sound of the speaker in the video since apparently he thought that the speaker wasn’t explaining the history of ancient civilizations well enough. His voice was basically a buzzing in my ears as I listened to the other sounds of the classroom instead. Though neither were very entertaining considering when you go through a routine so many times it becomes quite boring after a while. High school was a routine that had been in my life for a large amount of time, it was a requirement to having a sense of normalcy and to appear that way.

I heard a quiet flutter as a piece of paper floated down onto my notebook in front of me. I glanced over at Alice who was sitting beside me and she nodded at the paper once before looking back to the front of the classroom acting like she was paying attention.  I looked down and opened up the note and read the one line quickly before glancing back at her with confusion on my face.

Did you hear about the new human that’s supposed to arrive tomorrow?

I glanced back at her again before writing a short reply; I’ve heard some of the humans talk about her. Why does it matter, Alice? You’ve never cared if there was going to be a new human before.

I slide the note to her side of the desk and watched as she scribbled a reply and pushed it back towards me.

I’m not really sure, Edward. I just have…a feeling about it. Something is going to be different about this girl, I can just tell.

I read through it quickly and wrote a reply under it, noticing that even when writing quickly it still looked perfect.

I guess we will just have to wait and see. Have you had a vision about her or anything?

I slide the note back over to her side and watch her read it then tear it up as the teacher walks towards our desk. He walks back before turning around and walking back up the aisle, still talking over the video. I tune into Alice’s thoughts and realize she’s mid-sentence. I kick her under the table slightly and twirl my fingers in a circle signaling for her to start over.

As I was saying, I don’t know much about the new girl besides the fact that she is the Chief’s daughter and that her name is Bella. She starts tomorrow, I think so I guess we will just have to see then.

I nod at her, showing that I heard her and listened before turning my head back towards the window. At least if she is the Chief’s daughter she will have protection from the normal people in town.

The background noise of the movie and the teacher’s talking was cut short as Mr. Short turned off the video and instructed one of the students to turn on the lights. The lights flickered on causing the black room to be brightened immediately.

“Essay due over the movie tomorrow, 650 word minimum. Choose your favorite ancient civilization from the movie!” Mr. Short bellowed before moving behind his desk as the bell rang and everyone rushed out the door. I grabbed my notebook and followed the crowd as they poured out of the classroom. I caught up to Alice in the hallway and stopped at my locker and dropped everything off before heading to lunch.

I got in line grabbing an apple and a bottle of water while waiting for the shaggy blonde haired kid in front of me to finish paying for his lunch. He was done quickly and I handed my money to the lunch lady and smiled at her before walking over to our table and sitting in a chair between Jasper and Rosalie.

“So, Eddie. My favorite bro…when do you plan on getting laid? Sometime soon hopefully because you are getting a little cranky and you know I’m just looking out for you.” Emmett snickered.

My eyes slid over to him, my inner predator sizing him up on instinct. I glared daggers at him while Rosalie giggled a little bit before noticing the look in my eyes and jabbing him in the ribs.

“Idiot.” She mumbled under her breath at him.

“Emmett…has the thought ever occurred to you that maybe it’s already happened and everyone at the table knows, except for you?” I said quietly while gazing at him with a smirk on my face. His face twisted as two emotions battled in his mind. Anger flashed across his face, probably at the fact that it was possible that no one had told him about something like that as well as sadness at the fact that it might have happened and he hadn’t been there to tease me about it.

Apparently anger was the winner of the emotions as he stood up and slammed a hand on the table, “You can’t just do something like that and not tell me!” He yelled loudly which in turn caused the whole cafeteria to stop and stare at him.

Finally, I couldn’t hold in my laughter any longer and doubled over laughing at his stupidity and how gullible he was, “Emmett, you idiot! I was just joking!” I said in between laughs. His eyes narrowed at me and he sat down, but then his face lit up like a puppy that had just gotten a treat.

“So you mean I didn’t miss it?” He yelled before picking me up and spinning me around on his shoulder.

“Emmett, put me down you imbecile! We are in school!” I yelled in his ear, while whispering the last part. He seemed to catch it and put me down immediately. He looked around awkwardly before patting my shoulder and sitting down again. Rosalie smacked him on the back of the head as he sat down, which I thought he deserved.

Suddenly, Alice went rigid in her seat and had a blank face as she stared off into space seeing something none of us did. I went into her mind and watched her vision as she did.

A beautiful girl is walking towards a tall, muscular guy with bronze hair. Wait, is that me? One thing that was undeniable was the girl was stunning. Her luscious, wavy brown hair went down in natural curls to the middle of her back. She looked at me and I could see that instead of normal eyes she had breathtaking golden eyes that seemed to resemble caramel and gold intertwined. Her eyes seemed to go on forever and hold secrets upon secrets; eyes that you could lose yourself inside of. Even her body was perfection; you could see through her clothing that she was toned with a flat stomach and curves that any guy would die to touch. She had just finished walking to the guy and was opening her mouth to speak when the vision cut.

I felt a sense of loss as the vision ended and my hand reached out of its own accord grasping for something that wasn’t there. Alice’s thoughts invaded my mind immediately.

Edward, do you know that girl?!

Her thoughts were a confused mess in her mind and that was the only thing that I could take from everything and I responded out loud, “No. Do you? Do you think she is…?” I asked slightly confused.

No, I don’t! But she had golden eyes like us and she had the same type skin as us. I think she might be.

“But she’s the chief’s daughter and he’s not…” I stated in slight disbelief. I was so engrossed in the conversation that I didn’t notice everyone staring back and forth between Alice and myself.

“What are you guys talking about?! Clue us in please, we can’t all read minds and have visions!” Emmett shouted, his impatience showing.

“Alice had a vision of the new girl. She was walking towards me and was getting ready to say something when the vision cut off.” I explained. I looked over at Alice and noticed her give Jasper a panicked look for a second before it went away.

“What is so special about that?” Rosalie asked, annoyance showing clearly on her face.

“I think…” I looked over at Alice before correcting myself, “We think that…she’s one of us.”

So what did you think? Be sure to let me know and comment!

Xoxo Mich xoxo

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