No One Knows

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No one knows
No one knows how they affect other people
well not until it's too late
they don't stop and think
think, How could this make them feel? Would it hurt them, help them? How would I feel if someone said this to me?
No they just go ahead
do it
say whatever they want
but then they find out they hurt someone
wish they could take it back
but you can't really do that, what you said is already out there
making that person hurt even more than they already could be,
or your just a heartless bitch that just doesn't give a fuck.
You could also be one of those oblivious people who have no clue they hurt someone.
It kinda makes you wonder is anyone actually innocent,

Is anyone actually good?
But that's not my decision to make figure it out yourself.
I honestly don't know how this world is still here
How have we not crumbled to pieces
How have we made it this far.
I've learned all this just by sitting, watching, and observing.
I realized how cruel everyone in this world could be.
If you sit and watch and observe people for a while you could see both sides to an argument,
you could see deeper into people
and how broken they really are,
how many walls they have built up.
You could see all this by just taking a minute and step back and watch everyone else,
instead of having them watch you.
You have to take a step back and listen but you also have to hear.
Even if you don't think so there is a difference between the two.
When someone says they hear you ask them, "Did you really?"
People might listen to you but they don't actually HEAR you.
Do people really pay that much attention to listen to you, process, and understand what you are saying, to see the deeper meaning.
That's a question you have to answer yourself cause no one can answer that for you.
But the real question is the does anyone really know the affect they have?

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