-chapter two-

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-two years later-

"Pidge why are we going to this thrift store again?" Keith asked as Hunk pulled into the parking lot of their favorite thrift store: Coran's wonderful antiques. "Because Keith, your guitar is broken and I don't think you want an expensive new one, plus me and hunk need costumes for Halloween." Pidge got out of the car, Keith following close behind his short friend. They split up as Keith went to the instrument section and Pidge and hunk to the costumes.

He sighed, looking at all the different acoustic guitars. Not one of them were like his red one. He decided on a dark brown wood with blue stickers all over it. He decided to give it a try. He strummed a few cords and thought it was good enough. He went to the other side of the store to find his friends as he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around but no one was there. He thought it was Corans young niece Allura playing tricks on him again but she was with Pidge when he found them. "Allura don't play tricks on me, you know I'm jumpy." Keith scolded, "I didn't I swear!" Allura pouted." Keith sighed as he let the little girl slide that time. They went up to the front of the store to pay for the items. "Ah Keith that's a good choice, I knew someone who owned that two years ago..." Coran sighed into thought as he handed the now paid for items back to the three teens. "Off you go then have a good day!" He waved. Allura waved too as they walked out the door. 

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