-chapter seven pt1( at the party)-

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-before the party-

Keith adjusted the ears on this head and walked out so lance could see his costume. It was one of his favorite scifi creatures. A Galra. Lance tilted his head and thought for a moment. "Glad we think alike. I mean if I were alive I would have gone with an Altean prince but same scifi right?"

Keith nodded, laughing. "I'm going, see you later." Lance lightly punched his arm and disappeared, heading back to the afterlife.


   Keith walked through the doors of Lotors to be greeted by Pidge and Hunk. Pidge as a ghostbuster and Hunk as a lion. "You guys seen Shiro?" Keith asked playing with his fangs. "Probably out back with Zarkon but your costume is great! Let's go!" Pidge called running to the rest of the party. Keith and Hunk laughed as they followed the short girl to the drinks.

    The three young adults stood talking for what seemed like ages. Keith wondered what Lance was up to. 

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