Omg hi it's been a while...

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Hi so uh I'm writing this like three years later and I just wanna say I was literally 12 when I wrote this story and I was going through a lot at the time... I know you don't care and writing this is probably pointless but I just wanna say I just logged back on here tonight and saw all the comments and people who actually read this story and I'm completely shocked... I never thought the story would be read by this many people and I'm honestly touched so much that people actually wanted, and still want to read it. This story was the beginning of my love for writing and I've been trying to write even better stories to one day be published... I want to say I love each and every one of you that read this story and told me to keep going when I wanted to give up on writing it. I know it's been a very long time and I'm sorry I've never really responded to comments, but this is the first time in around a year that I've logged onto wattpad and saw what has happened to my account. I don't think I'll be continuing my time on wattpad, but who knows? Maybe I'll post one of my own personal stories on here for you guys to read... It may not be voltron related, or any fandom for that matter and it may be more personal but we'll see.

For now I just wanted to say thank you and then I got on a tangent and all, but thank you for reading this, and if you are currently going through something tough like I was while writing this story, it will get better. People may tell you that everyday and it may not seem like it ever will because you've been hurting for a while, but one day it will. That may be tomorrow, next week or even in ten years but I'm better now than I was three years ago. I may not be 100% back to where I was before then but I'm living in the moment and just thanking myself for waking up and spending my days trying to be as happy as I can. And I want to give you advice. Find a positive distraction to keep you from all the negative, whether that's writing, drawing, dancing or even gardening, do it because once you find a positive, you'll want to keep doing that and keep away the negative. 

I love you all and goodnight (it's like 11:30 at night), and goodbye for now... <3

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