Crossed Fingers [ReinBert]

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-Good job ! You've pass the exam ! Now you have to choose you affectation !

The high ranked soldier was yelling at the new soldiers. The 10th first soldiers can choose to join the Military Police. They had seven days to think about it. But Trost's District had been attacked. In this war, Marco bott died. Only 9 person can pretend to the Military Police.

The first speech, to choose their faction, was the Survey Corps one. Major Smith began it.

-You know. You're going to die.

Soldiersbegan to leave the place, in the firs group, Annie was leaving. Then Erwin continued his speech, cold lookon them. Telling risks of the life in the Survey Corps, deaths of former soldiers. Bertholdt was looking at Reiner. Why wasn't he mooving ? Why was he standing here ? They had planned to join the Military Police with Annie, for safety. Bertholdt was thinking, fear in the eye, that Reiner was going to to let them do what they were supposed to do on their own, without him. He looked at him, he can't just leave him behind them, alone. So Bertholdt decided to stay with the blond.

-Sorry Annie, but Reiner is going to become one of them ...

The tall one sighed. The Major ended his speech. Only a few numbers of soldiers stayed. A little smile on his face, he declared, loud and clairely.

-You, who stay, are ready to die bu orders ? Here is the military salute. OFFER YOUR HEART !

Right fist on the heart. All soldiers imitated the Survey Corps Major. Execpt two of them. No one noticed their act. Right fist on the chest, left hand in the back, they crossed their fingers. Reiner first, Bertholdt after. They crossed fingers, in sign of lie. These two traitors choose an other way to return to their home.

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