Tut The Magnificent...Part III...

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TTut the Magnificent...

Summary: A little reimagining of supervillain King Tut. A young genius, protégé of Gotham's prime benefactor, Bruce Wayne, distraught at the suffering in a place his hero Batman never deigns to frequent, has decided to help his people help themselves.

Part III...

Present day Gotham...

Van Dyck's...

"Look, sure you couldn't..." Wayne offered his burger to Ms. Dane, who sighed, shrugged.

"Very much afraid I could but I won't, thanks. I don't need to look pregnant or just plain fat on my next report." Sheepish grin. "I'll be fine with the chowder, really."

"Ok..." smile. He took another bite.... "As to Batman, I can't speak for how he thinks, it was just a feeling. After all he's been doing this for at least fifteen years or more. I gotta think he's reached the point where he'd like to call it a day."

"Like Gary Cooper in 'High Noon'? And you and the good citizens eagerly pushing him out?" Danielle smiled.

"God, don't cast me as that mayor..." he gave mock-horrified look. "I don't want him shoved out but the day has to come when others, hopefully professionals, take over from him."

"Well, how long have you been doing what you're doing?" she eyed him.

He blinked, in mid-chew...

"...With trying to help this city?" she explained, a bit startled herself.

"Oh...A long time..."he recovered quickly, wry smile. "That little I do. But I do see a lot of changes over the years. And, thanks..."


"For not asking what you meant to ask...How long have I known Batman...?" smile.

"I figured you'd been asked that enough..." shrug. "And I am interested in what you've done."

"About thirteen years, if that helps. It's ok. But Jim Gordon's known him from the start."

"You think he knows who he really is?"

"Maybe..." wave of hand, perplexed look. "If so, he's not shared it with me."

"And naturally you wouldn't if you knew." she nodded.

"I dunno...I'm pretty desperate to impress you here. I might say that I knew, even if I couldn't give out the name." smile.

"Ok..." she grinned, putting up a hand. "I deserved that. But I really do want to know about your work on the Commission. In the end, that's what'll matter. Even Batman has to retire as you say or...Go...One day."

Wayne concealing slight wince...

"It's the collective work that goes on, like with getting the city built, fighting disease here...Cleaning the sidewalks up and establishing a water system." she went on, slightly strident tone by end. "Sorry..." she gave a slight hand wave. "My thesis in college was on the work of the Gotham Sanitation Commission. I believe in community effort and I get on the soapbox a bit."

"I think you're right. And I suspect Batman would agree. But even he may have an apprentice...I wonder sometimes if there's more than one..." he regarded her solemnly.

"A Bat Society?"

"I know when Joker first showed there were several copy cat Batmans." He pointed out.

"I remember he killed at least two of them..." Ms. Dane noted, her mood a bit quieter.

"Yeah..." Wayne nodded. "There's a cost, always. Maybe it would be better if he is the one and only.'

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