"Tut The Magnificent..." Part VIII

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Tut the Magnificent...

Summary: A little reimagining of supervillain King Tut. A young genius, protégé of Gotham's prime benefactor, Bruce Wayne, distraught at the suffering in a place his hero Batman never deigns to frequent, has decided to help his people help themselves.

Part VIII...

Four years previous...

Hamilton County Women's Jail...

Daneil lifted the pages of the document on the table before her, glancing over...Then eyed the two seated before her across said table in the small conference room to which Officer Brooks had "escorted" her before handcuffing one wrist to a ring under the heavy table. Officer Brooks, and the slight blonde woman now beside her, calmly regarding her.

"Well, Ms Freedmont?" the blond eyed her.

"You want me to sign this? And it's a 'research protocol'. And if I sign, maybe you'll see I get a chance like Lucretia here?" she nodded at Officer Brooks. "Parole, some kind of probation, what?"

"Not parole...A complete new start..." the blonde smiled. "Call it a pardon..."

"Uh-huh...And who signs off on this 'pardon'? The governor? The President?" narrow stare.

"Officially Daneil Freedmont joins a special rehabilitation program and is transferred to the women's prison at Hamilton...Unofficially she joins our program and if all goes well, starts a new life...In time, after the program is successfully completed." The blonde noted.

"Shit, you must be joking...I'm supposed to sign this and hope, if I'm a good girl, I'll get out? What is this? You CIA or something? This some kind of shit like on You Tube? That's not the Lucretia I knew." She indicated Officer Brooks.

"Hmmn...A little of her, a little of what she wanted to be..." Officer Brooks smiled. "Daneil, this is a chance for you to become what you wanted to..."

"Rich and taking nothin' off nobody. That's what I want, honey." Daneil replied.

"We think there's more to you than that...But, if that's the case, it's not hard to give you that." The blonde noted.

"Oh, yeah? C'mon...Shit, I just busted out of Gotham State. I'm gonna get out if I sign this? What are you pulling here?" she frowned, peering over the pages.

"Officer Brooks clearly managed to evade her sentence..." the blonde smiled at Lucretia who grinned.

"Then this is serious CIA shit and the answer's no." Daneil noted, tossing the pages to the blonde.

"I promise you we are not CIA or NSA or FBI. As I told you, I'm Jennifer Jensen of Jensen Biotechnica and we have no affiliation with the Federal government."

"Well this is crazy shit and I'm not buying..."

"You prefer to go back to Gotham State?" Ms. Jensen eyed her calmly.

"I got out once, I'll get out again."

"Be a bit more difficult, especially without our help." Ms. Jensen smiled.

"Your help?" Daneil stared. "What are you talkin' about?"

"Ms. Freedmont, you must have been aware your escape was, even with your cousin's help, rather too easy...As was your arrest here in Hamilton, to you proper credit." Ms. Jensen smiled.

"Angie set me up?" hard stare. "That bitch set me up?!" grim rage...

"No, we did. But your cousin was working with us and she alerted us that you were considering an escape. We'd planned to help you do so, in order to have this moment but you got a little ahead of us. Fortunately you needed outside help and fortunately your cousin is a Hamilton resident."

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