"Tut The Magnificent..." Part XI

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Tut the Magnificent...

Summary: A little reimagining of supervillain King Tut. A young genius, protégé of Gotham's prime benefactor, Bruce Wayne, distraught at the suffering in a place his hero Batman never deigns to frequent, has decided to help his people help themselves.

Part XI...

Thirteen years previous...

Hamilton Central Police Station...

Alfred, opening the rear door of the car to let young Henry Tuthill out, looked a bit grimly around the battered street. Downtown Hamilton, such as it was, a collection of boarded up, burnt-out, or barely occupied, older office buildings, a motley collection of homeless wandering about, even to the steps of the police station, a large, grimly gray concrete building at the head of the once rather elegant now battered and garbage-strewn central plaza, with rather poorly maintained statue of city namesake Alexander Hamilton in center. Wayne emerging from his side in front, likewise looking round.

"Doesn't look like the best place to park a Lexus..." he wryly noted. "But..."

"There's a parking garage over there. I'll pull the car in while you take young Master Henry in."

"Maybe we oughta go with you, Alfred." Bruce winced at the sight of two homeless men fighting across the street. A cop watching them, amused at the sight...

"I'll be quite all right. I'm sure Master Henry wants to see his sister and mother as soon as possible."

Henry eyeing Bruce, shaking head...

"I think we can go together Alfred." Bruce urged.

"Gentlemen. I may be an older man, but I assure you both..." Alfred smiled at Henry... "I can handle myself for two blocks. Now, please...Go in and I'll be with you shortly."

"It'll be ok, Henry. Lets go." Bruce nodded.

Henry reluctantly taking his hand, they crossed the street.

"He'll be fine. Alfred's a tough old bird. I pity anyone who tries to tangle with him." Bruce noted, with wry smile, as Henry looked back to the car now pulling out. "He's an old soldier, my dad hired him as our security chief and estate manager mainly because of his military record."

Henry nodded. Another nervous look back...

"My granddad was pretty tough, too... He was in the Navy, a long time ago."

"I am sorry, Henry. But Alfred's very experienced and ready for any surprises, I promise you."

"Ok...Will they let us see Pam?" anxious look at the large ornate wood and glass doo at the top of the stairs before them. The beauty of the door marred by the various paints splattered on the antique glass and the heavy dents and scrapings years of violent attacks on the door had left on the carved wooden frame...

"Ms. Redman's in there now in back with the police, getting some things done, she'll bring us to her."

They walked up the stairs...Henry pausing...

"She said they'd keep her, tonight." He eyed Bruce.

"It might be the best thing for her, but lets see..."

"I don't want her to be alone...Or with bad people..."

"She won't be, we'll make sure someone's with her and that she's safe in a good place."


"Sure." They entered a large reception hall with several desks, some occupied, others empty...A few civilians seated on benches and several cops scattered about eyeing them with interest. Wayne leading Henry to a desk where a seated officer had waved him over.

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