"Tut the Magnificent..." Part XII

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Tut the Magnificent...

Summary: A little reimagining of supervillain King Tut. A young genius, protégé of Gotham's prime benefactor, Bruce Wayne, distraught at the suffering in a place his hero Batman never deigns to frequent, has decided to help his people help themselves.

Part XII...

Red leather (Genu-ine imitation...Bruce had noted to Moe's proud nod... "And a relief to know no animal is bred to give red leather..." Danielle had nodded...) upholstered booth in Moe's Silver Eagle diner, "the best in Gotham State", on Gotham State Parkway, alongside the Gotham River...

"Not a bad view, really." Stare out the large window to the front. "You know my mother, God rest her soul...Good Catholic that she was...And we had to fight for it..." Danielle grinned at Bruce in brown sweater and slacks, across from her. "...would say that a girl can tell a man by the quality of the place he chooses to bring a woman. Not the price, mind you..." finger wag... "The quality. A flash-in-the-pan salesman type would take you somewhere flashy but not that expensive...And no quality." she took a fork of her "Silver Eagle recycled hash special" omelet... "A no-good with dough who wanted to get into your pants quick would take you somewhere exceptionally fancy and pricey, to put you under obligation...Oh, this is good..." she beamed, brushing curls back.

"Really...? Both as to mom and the omelet?" Bruce nodded, head on hand staring...

"Hmmn-hmmn...A nice solid fella will take you somewhere quality...But not flashy or too pricey...At least on the first dates. You save the really big stuff for the birthdays and anniversaries... And a cheap bastard will invite himself to your house and expect you to cook."

"Sounds about right..." he took a swig of orange juice from a plastic tumbler...Nodding to the bald figure of Moe, a middle-aged, husky bald fellow in white uniform at counter who nodded back after a glance at Danielle, thumb's up.

"Always go with the one who makes love well, she said...You can get round moneybags, the cheap bastard's got sense, the solid guy's reliable, and Mr. Flashy is usually good fun, for a fling..." she grinned.

"Yikes." He blinked. "So there's no hope for me..."

"We'll see..." she eyed him mock-sternly, looking him over. "She also said you generally can teach a guy whose heart's in the right place..."

"Thank you, Mrs. Dane..." he nodded, eyes turning heavenward.

"Equally important, a man who can choose a good diner. Well done." She nodded.

"I was pretty sure Moe wouldn't let me down. The kids always loved it. And Alfred approved."

"Kids like Mickey-D's, bless 'em...I'll go with Alfred's seal of approval." She took another bite.

"More coffee?" their waitress, a fortyish large woman with straight black hair and nose ring in white uniform with silver eagle namepin had returned.

"Sure..." Bruce nodded.

"Miss? Sorry to ask..." the waitress hesitated, Danielle offering smile. "One of the other girls was wondering? Are you on TV?"

"Once in a while...Just the local news. Hi...Danielle Dane." Smile.

"Hi...Claudia Holland. Yeah, Denise was sure it was you. She watches you whenever you're on. Just wanted to say hi and ask, sorry to interrupt."

"No problem." Danielle put up a hand. "Tell Denise thanks for watching..."

"Is he on TV too?" Claudia smiled at Bruce who grinned.

"Very rarely compared to Ms. Dane..." he nodded solemnly. "But I keep workin' at it."

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