"Tut The Magnificent..." Part IX

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Tut the Magnificent...

Summary: A little reimagining of supervillain King Tut. A young genius, protégé of Gotham's prime benefactor, Bruce Wayne, distraught at the suffering in a place his hero Batman never deigns to frequent, has decided to help his people help themselves.

Part IX...

Office of the Police Commissioner, present day Gotham...

Bruce Wayne frowning at Gordon from his chair...

"So you're saying you think Jack Jensen's involved in this? He and his Tut Society?"

"Max Dikas dies, in my own sight, with 'Oh, Tut' on his lips...A man who thought saying 'I do' to his bride meant he'd married her father the Don." Gordon noted. "Jensen Biotech is the largest player now in Hamilton, legal or criminal, and old man Jensen died facing criminal charges involving connections to organized crime, among others...And his dear and only son after a youth of debauchery and drugs, laced with dealing and prostitution, set up and financed the Tut Society to supposedly honor the man he 'accidently' killed while under the influence..."

"A criminal society? That could get its members to kill themselves?"

"The Mafia, the Tongs...Nazis, Stalin's Communists...ISIS...It's not that hard to get people to kill or even kill themselves, for the cause or just out of fear of worse than death." Gordon noted quietly. "And you should know that two of the City Counselors killed in the first mob attack that opened the Five Days war died calling on Tut, according to the reports from that day...As did at least two other mobsters besides Dikas who turned state's evidence on their own organizations, well after those days."

Bruce staring...

"But the Tuts, even when they were big..."

"Six years ago, just before the Five Days street war...They had rallies of near ten thousand. Not bad for a small city like Hamilton. You remember? Jensen was talked about as a potential political power for a bit."

"I remember." Bruce shook head. "And I can tell you that Henry and I at least were ready to go on any show that would have us to denounce him, before his hold on the movement started to wane. Still...They were cultish, but they called for more police, tougher laws, they encouraged the crackdown...Heck, they joined the police in fighting the mobs in the streets those five days..."

"Not the first time a crime gang's clothed itself in fair robes to eliminate rivals...And the rivals were certainly eliminated."

"But after Jensen cut them loose...And he does seem to have broke with them for good when they seemed to question his leadership...And Henry refused to support them in his grandfather's name, they've barely been heard from...." Bruce noted. "I mean I've no love for Jack Jensen and I know they still have an organization in Hamilton but..."

"Not the first time a group like that's served its purpose and been cut loose. And Jack Jensen now helps run Jensen Biotech..." Gordon noted. "From spoiled punk drug dealer/pimp to community organizer/cult leader to high-power executive...Not a bad career chart."

"You think he's running a gang out of there, now?"

"If he does, they're very good at keeping their noses clean and above board... But that's not unheard of. Max Shreck was pretty good at that as you may recall, in our own fair Gotham, among others."

"I don't know. Jack Jensen's clever, I grant you...Competent enough in what Jen Jensen lets him do, from what I've seen of him over the last five years. But this seems beyond him. To outwit Tambino and the other mobs? And the Columbians and other cartels?"

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