"Tut The Magnificent..." Part IV

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Tut the Magnificent...

Summary: A little reimagining of supervillain King Tut. A young genius, protégé of Gotham's prime benefactor, Bruce Wayne, distraught at the suffering in a place his hero Batman never deigns to frequent, has decided to help his people help themselves.

Part IV...

Present day Gotham...

The parking lot of Greater Gotham News...

"I hope you enjoyed that..." Danielle eyed Bruce as they walked to her car. His car still back at Van Dyck's at her suggestion.

"I did, honest...Just hope I wasn't in the way." he put up a hand. "I've gotten to work a camera once and I've seen the makeup room at a couple of stations but never the actual editing and putting it all together. Thanks, it was fun."

"Hope so..." she nodded. "I'm a nerd at heart so I love getting into it, even if I also like the investigative side...And yeah, I also like having my mug in front of the camera, at times." Wan yet rather dazzling...Or is it just the moonglow, he reflected, rather happily...Smile.

"The investigative's fun. I've gotten to do a little at the Foundation and with some of the civic groups. Knox's even let me tag along once or twice on a story. And it is a nice mug." He noted.

"So's yours, all-in-all..." she grinned at him.

"Well. I see why you didn't want me to bring my car out here but I hope yours is ok..." he noted, looking round the somewhat desolate area with wince.

"It is 'Greater Gotham News', not down- or mid- town." Smile. "Honestly, so far, no trouble...But I just thought it would be pushing things to have yours here...My Kia's not exactly going to attract carjackers the way a Bentley would." Sheepish grin.

"Believe me I've had it jacked at places like Van Dyck's. Alfred always tells me not to take it anywhere, but what's insurance for?" he shrugged.

"It is a beaut, assuming it's still there...But there, my old girl's still safe and sound." She pointed to her car. They headed over as she clicked it unlocked.

"Any chance you'd care to try it...?" he asked, putting up hands. "Just round a bit...To finish off the evening. It really does live up to the rep as a sweet ride."

"Well...Can I drive?" sidelong look.

"Yes." Firm nod. "Just let me double check the insurance is paid up..." grin.

"Then, deal." Arch look... "Just round about a bit...Come on, then." She urged, pulling at him to lead him to her car and hurrying to her driver's side.

"Uh...This doesn't mean I wouldn't like you if you didn't have a Bentley." She noted as he strapped in beside her. Giving him warm, if slightly nervous, smile.


The Tuthill home in Hamilton...

Which despite the odd presence of a rather elaborate security team, even for one of the nation's premier geniuses in Neurobiotech, seemed a cozy and comfortably simple place for the research director of an internationally prominent biotechnology corporation.

But many in the business world, let alone the biotech field, had found it odd that Jennifer Jensen, heiress to her more infamous than famous father, Jackson Jensen Sr, had chosen to expand a token facility set in the small city by her father for tax purposes and move the firm's headquarters and major labs to what for most was a place they'd never heard of...Especially since the head office had formerly been in the center of Gotham, at the beating heart of the financial world, for decades, surrounded by all the leading hospitals and universities Gotham had to offer.

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