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Everything seems like slowing down, i can't do anything, then a slight of pain start to fill my whole body, all i can do is cry, nothing will change, this is to late.

Then he take out his knife and start to stab me over and over again,until i can't feel anything at all. Bloods start dripping from my left torso and i start getting weaker and weaker. And for the last time i look at his eyes, he's crying too, but he keep stabbing me, his face covered with my bloods. Then my visions start to get blurry.

My grandma says that when we near to our dead all of our memory will come and flashed like a movie. It does, my memory start to flashed, everything happens so fast and it's become vivid at the moment but every memory about Taehyung stayed in my mind, how he cheer me up when i'm sad, how he became all hyper and wake me up, his rectangular smile that always melt my cold heart, everything about him is on color and that make me smile, i'm glad the last memory that stayed in my mind is my memory about him.

And at that time i realized that i've been lied to my own feeling all of this time,

That he's the one whom i loved.

I just wish i can meet him for the last time and tell him my true feeling, but i know i will never met him again.

This is my time to go. A weak groan start start escaping from my mouth i look and smiled bitterly at the black sky for the last time, and now i can't see anything at all, and this is my time to say goodbye.


Dilated pupils as my eyes forced to open, it showed me a vision of broad white sky, tall trees scraping the air.

Feeling the soft grass against my skin, i slowly sat my self up. Engulfing the lonesome yet peaceful scenery around me.

My habit was to touch my left torso, i sighed flatly when i sensed no pain.My skin was flawless, my white dress was abnormally unstained and i knew, i was in a world between life and death.

I have been here for a quite some time,wandering around with no purpose. Even though i felt painless and calm, his voice enchoed every once in a while

I always searched for it,but i seemed so distant and following it will only lead me to nothing.Just endless picturesque parts of this wood greeting me over and over again.

This was my safe heaven, my elysian.

With my bare feet i began walking again,feeling the texture of leaves, smelling the ever blooming flower.

In this place,i could only feel one emotion,it was tranquility. I lost count of how long I've been here, i didn't know whether my spirit really was still attached to my mortal body or not.


That voice again,the sweet deep voice i longed for dearly was heard again. Ears perked up at the repetition, i began following my instinct.

I wonder why i was here, i felt helpless sometimes being alone in this heaveb like place, but my curiosity of finding his voice overshadowed it.

Removing the twigs, my mind realized i was walking towards the core of this woods. A majestic waterfall which flowed and nourished every living creature or plants.

The voice always led me down here. I thought to myself and approached the edge of the pond only to see my own reflection.

There it was again,
His voice

But this one seemed near, crystal clear as the water, looking up to see i could hear my heart beating faster. Not giving up, my eyes traveled every inch of corner available.

I wasn't wrong, i could feel his presence.

Parting my lips at the sight i came to see, ephoric come rushing into my calm heart and unoccupied mind.

He wears a white clothes and his back is facing me. My mortal emotions began to fill my whole existence, crossing the stil water without saying anything, i ran to where he is standing.

He must've felt my presence as well because he jerked his head up and turned around. Our eyes met each other as he let out the brightest smile I've been missing.


Hesitation stopped by as i stood in front of him,eyes never left each other. What if it was just another illusion of mine?

I want to call his name but something prevented me from talking. He walked closer and closer, gently caressing my cheeks with his soft hands.

That's when i was sure,
He's real

He wrapped his hands around my body,lifting my body like it was nothing. My hands coiled his neck as i kissed the top of his forehad, gently and affectionate.

Hands still around my waist, he put me down and leaned his forehead against mine. He looked ethernal as i traced my finger through his jawline, leaning in until i can feel his warm breath against my skin.

Tilting his head a little,his lips steadily aimed for mine until it attached to each other, our lips moved in rhythm,emmiting joy all over my numb body.

I broke the kiss away and smiled at him then intertwined our fingers together.

Everything feel so unreal until everything suddenly falling apart, the rich soil began to crack, strong trees began to stumble on each other's roots and feel to the ground, fear began to filled every void of my hear with one thought on my mind.

My world was destroyed right in front of my eyes


I gasped at how he called out my name,his deep yet calming voice startled me as he smiles and focused my attention on him.

"It's not your time yet"

My breath was hitching as i saw his ethernal body shattered slowly into a dust, his damaged mortal body cleansing it self as he closed his eyes.


A bright light shone on my face and i opened my eyes once again

Hearing muffling voice around me, i could only caught one.

"She's awake.."

-The End-

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