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Auradon Prep. 1 month ago.

Yesterday had been a rather important day for Auradon Prep, as it had marked the arrival of a certain group of four new students from the Isle of the Lost. And right now, Morgan found herself talking to one of those particular "VKs", as they were called.
"So, you said you're from the States?" Carlos asked.
"Uh, yeah" Morgan answered. "Sorry, I just… didn't sleep much last night."
"Alright. So, what did you wanna know, exactly? You seemed anxious to talk to one of us."
"Just… about the Isle, I guess."
"What, you wanna see if the rumors are true?"
"No, not at all. I was just, um, wondering if you knew anything about the island. Anything from before it became the Isle of the Lost."
"Me? No. But I overheard Mal talking about some sort of hidden library inside the Museum of Cultural History. Maybe check there?"
"Thank you. Sorry, I just had to ask."
"Should I ask why?"
"Alright, then. We're done here."
Carlos stood up and resumed his day. Morgan, on the other hand, started to formulate a plan. She pulled her phone out and dialed a number.
"Hey, it's me" she said to the recipient of the call. "Can you meet me at the Museum tonight? Like, I don't know, 8-9ish? Really, awesome. Thank you." With that, she ended the call.

8 PM, on the dot, Morgan was sitting on a bench outside of the Museum, when a girl in a blue dress sat next to her.
"Why do you need me here, Morgan?" Jane asked, still confused and a little worried.
"Does this museum have a hidden library?" Morgan asked. "You never answered that."
"It…" Jane hesitated, but gave in and spat it out. "It does."
"I need you so that we can get in there."
"How, Morgan!? I won't have any of the necessary paperwork!"
"You're the curator's daughter. The last name Faree is all that we need to get us in there."
"Well, if Jillian Faree finds out about this, then her daughter Jane is dead in the water."
"Pin it on me, then. You know, just like her, that I'm the daughter of someone who Auradon classifies as a villain."
"I'm not gonna throw you under the bus like that, Morgan! You're my best friend, I don't care that your mother was Morgana."
"Please, Jane?"
"Okay" Jane agreed. "I will. On one condition."
"Of course" Morgan turned. "What is it?"
"Why are we doing all of this? Why is this so urgent?"
"Ben's proclamation is a mistake" Morgan began to explain. "I'll explain inside."

Morgan had been right: the security let Jane and Morgan through without so much as a second thought. Jane took Morgan through the Gallery of Wands, down past the Medieval Auradon exhibit, and to a wall at the back of the World of Magic section. She took a deep breath, and held her hands against the wall. Morgan watched as the wall slid open without the slightest of a whisper, and Jane pulled her in as the wall closed back up again. Jane tried to flip the light switch on the wall.
"Nothing" she exclaimed. A statement which she followed with an angry groan. "No light in here. Oh well, let's go."
"Not so fast" Morgan muttered. She held a hand up, closed her eyes, and focused. A ball of white light formed over her hand, which she then sent up towards the ceiling. With the entire room now illuminated, Morgan could see road upon rows of old, leather-backed books written in all various languages and time periods.
"Help me look for a book" Morgan asked of her friend, who wasn't as surprised at Morgan's ability as she was at Morgan's persistence.
"No" Jane retaliated, sitting at one of the dusty tables. "First, you owe me an explanation."
Morgan sighed. "Yes, I do."
She sat across from Jane, and began to explain.

"According to what research I've been able to do at the school," Morgan began, "the Isle of the Lost isn't called that because that's where Adam put the villains and their kids. It's called that because before Auradon was a nation, it was known by the locals as-"
"As L'île Perdue" Jane cut her off. "French for Lost Island, I know. What's that got to do with anything?"
"The Lost Island wasn't home to a human population" Morgan continued her explanation. "What inhabited the island were monsters. The real ones, not the ones in teenage romance novels. What I'm looking for is a book that isn't confirmed to exist, but if it does, it was last spotted in Auradon. It's a log of all the monsters known to inhabit the island."
"Why?" Jane asked. "And what does Ben's proclamation have to do with all of this?"
"I fear Adam may have trapped something on that island. Something more evil than the likes of which we've seen to date."
"Wouldn't all of the monsters still be trapped?"
"No. Most of the monsters dispersed long ago. But there's one that was rumored to haunt L'île Perdue which could not leave. If I can find the log, I'll be able to know for sure."
"Do you know who supposedly wrote this log?"
"A man by the name of Jackson Wesley. He pioneered the field of Paranormal Biology."
"I'm failing that class- wait, we're looking for a book written by the Monster Man himself!?"
"Yes we are. And it should be- aha!"

Morgan pulled a thick journal off of the shelves. Despite the copious amounts of caked-on dust, the initials JW can be seen carved into the front with a knife. Morgan opened it delicately, flipping through the pages.
"This is it" she confirmed as she snapped the journal shut, an act which blew dust into her face. She coughed, but was otherwise fine.
"You alright?" Jane asked.
"I'm fine" Morgan assured her. "Now let's go before they start asking questions."

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