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Thirty minutes until Halloween

When Morgan ran onto the roof, forty feet in the air, she saw Demina overlooking the city, the clock drawing closer to Hallow's Eve with every passing second.
"Demina Dracul!" Morgan shouted. Demina turned, her cape waving like an ominous flag behind her.
"You still cling to your belief that you can stop me?" Demina asked with a chuckle. "You're even more naïve than your mother if you think that you can stop this! This is destiny! Fate! Just as day will always give way to night, the time has come for a new chapter in this world."
"Just as night always gives way to day, that chapter won't last. I don't intend to let the page turn now!" Morgan responded. "I don't cling to any belief, save my belief in Him and His plan. And that's not a plan I'm going to let you interfere with."

The two advanced on each other, and so the fight began. Morgan swung with her cross, but Demina was quick to counter. She blocked the strike, the blunt silver unable to take effect through the thick material of her sleeve.
"My mother may have trapped you on L'île Perdue, but I'm going to put you back where you truly belong!" Morgan shouted as she struck again, this time hitting Demina in the legs. Demina hissed as the metal made contact with her knees. Bats flee around Morgan, and Demina reformed behind her.
"Not fast enough" Demina said as she stabbed down with her knife. Morgan was able to block it, but with one motion of her arm, Demina pulled the cross from Morgan's grip, the metal weapon sliding along the roof until it fell to the street below. She picked Morgan up by the neck and threw her across the roof. Morgan cried out as a jagged piece of metal pierced her lower left side, and Demina kneeled down in front of her, the knife to Morgan's ribs.
"This is venegance, in it's purest form" Demina told her. Before she could drive the blade through Morgan's heart, though, someone tackled her.

"Harry!?" Morgan asked, unable to move because of the metal. Sure enough, Harry, Jane, and Carlos had all made their way to the roof. Carlos and Jane kept Demina busy (somehow) while Harry ran over to help Morgan.
"Easy, love" Harry told her. "I'm gonna pull you off of it."
"One, two-" Morgan stopped when she screamed, having been pulled off of the rusted metal. She was still bleeding, badly.
"Stay put" Harry instructed. "We'll take care of her best we can."
While Harry ran back to join Carlos and Jane, Morgan laid on the ground, a hand over the bloody wound. If this is how the Lord plans for me to meet my fate, then so be it, Morgan thought to herself. She focused, reciting in her head a prayer she'd often told herself back in the streets of Hell's Kitchen, when she'd be beaten or hurt. Her hand began to glow. She winced as the wound healed, her light magic taking effect. After a few minutes, she was able to sit up, but still couldn't focus.

Fifteen minutes until Halloween

Morgan could finally focus, but the scene in front of her wasn't a pretty one. Jane and Carlos had been disarmed. Harry was down to his hook. She herself had lost her cross. She pulled one of the stakes from her back, assessing the situation. Demina knocked Jane and Carlos back a few feet, then turned and slammed Harry down.
"Told you I'd dissapoint you, lass" Harry chided.
As Demina raised her claws, about to take out Harry, Morgan threw her stake, praying for the best. Demina hissed loudly as the silver grazed her right side, drawing blood from a sizzling wound. Harry pushed Demina off, but that one alone wasn't enough. And it hadn't been enough to damage her; Demina's wound was already healing. Demina turned, but Morgan had ducked down behind an air vent. She knew she'd have to get higher, and even though she'd just given them a second weapon, she'd have to act fast. Morgan pulled her last stake from her back, holding it in her hands with her rosary. She clasped her hands together, focused, and prayed. Sure enough, the stake and rosary both became surrounded by a faint white aura, the silver in both acting as the sponge that absorbed the light magic she'd given them. She wrapped the rosary around the front of the stake, making sure it wouldn't fly off but also wouldn't prevent the stake from reaching Demina's heart. This was the last chance they had to stop her; it was all up to Morgan.

She peeked around the corner, and saw that Demina's back was turned to her. Morgan took a deep breath, then stood up and flew into action. She jumped on top of the vent, then leaped into the air and threw the stake.

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