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Harry gasped as he woke up, putting a heavy hand on his chest as he finally felt his heart beating again. How long had it been since he drank the blood? It didn't seem like it'd been any time at all; it was still night, after all. Harry decided to stand up, putting his weight on a wooden crate as he did. Suddenly, the box shattered to splinters under his strain, and Harry tumbled to the ground, cuts forming on his hand. As he looked at them, now sensing a pain coming from said hand, the cuts healed themselves, almost instantly. That'll come in handy, he thought. Good lord, what is that!? The pain was getting worse, and as he stared at his outstretched hand, he realized that his ring was causing it. What had Demina said about it? Something about the silver? Regardless, Harry took the ring off. The metal burned to the touch, but once it was off, the pain evaporated. Harry just huffed. He'd loved that ring, loved to wear it. Now, though, it would have to do in his pocket.

As he stood up, this time staying on his feet, he began to take in the scene around him. Yes, this was still the Isle, the island he'd come to love and hate. But he was somehow different. He could see further, hear more clearly. He felt the footsteps of dock wanderers over forty feet out, could hear the sounds of children more than six buildings away, and could see the night sky more clearly than he'd ever been able to, barrier or no. Harry gawked at all of this, at the strength he now realized he possessed, at the tuning of his senses, at everything. And then the events of the day leading to his taking a deal with Demina began to resurface. Rage bubbled at the back of his mind, anger howling between his ears. He saw, almost a hundred feet away, the space where Chloe had sunken the Second Jolly Roger. The spot where Gil had led Harry's former crew to push him into the waves, likely in attempt to kill him. Uma's orders, he reasoned. All Uma's orders. He ran over to the empty dock station, but with his newfound speed, ended up in the water, among the debris. Floating on a piece of wood, he began to piece together a plan. He took a deep breath, and dipped beneath the waves. When he resurfaced, his sword was on his belt, his father's hook in his hand. And the fire was back in his eyes. Was he mad? Possibly. Was he out for vengeance? Likely. Would Uma, Gil and Chloe pay for what they'd done, for making him look a fool?

Thunder rolled overhead as the swinging wooden doors to Ursula's Fish and Chips swung open, crashing against the walls. The eatery was full of pirates, who all turned to see their former captain standing there, staring them all down. He seemed stronger than when they'd shoved him into the sea, and an unholy fury blazed behind his jade green eyes.
"Where is Uma!?" Harry shouted. None of the pirates knew what to do; it'd been three days since he'd been seen, and the last time anyone did see him, he'd been sinking beneath the waves.
"I'll ask again" Harry said as he knocked over the restaurant's sword check. "Where. Is. Uma?!"
"Too busy to have dealings with a dead man!" one of the pirates responded as he charged at Harry, sword raised. In one fluid motion, Harry grabbed him by the collar and threw him hard through a table where five other pirates had been eating.
"Anybody else care to try me!?" Harry challenged the pirates, all of whom backed off. At this point, he would've settled for Gil, but he was nowhere to be found. Uma, though, came running from the back when she heard the table being smashed. She threw her apron aside just in time for a path to clear between her and Harry.

"Harry…" Uma could barely manage a whisper. "You… you're alive… but-"
"But you had me killed, love" Harry finished the sentence with his accusation, approaching Uma with every word.
Uma adjusted her stance, trying to appear less frightened despite the heart that was attempting to pound its way out of her chest. "I did nothing of the sort."
"Don't play me for a fool" Harry ordered his ex-boss, dragging the curve of his hook along her neck. "You sent my crew, and my first mate, to send me sleeping with the sharks, right after your sister sank the Second Jolly Roger to its grave."
Uma drew in a shaky breath; for the first time in her career, somebody besides Mal had her cornered. "Fine" she admitted. "I sent the pirates. Their orders were to apprehend you, but I made the mistake of putting the blockhead in charge. That said, my sister did nothing on my behalf, and she never will. I hate her as much as you do, Hook, you know this."
"You took everything from me, Trench!"
"Just as I promised you I would."
Uma wormed her way free of Harry's threat, and walked back to her station in the back. "Boys!" she shouted while she did this. "Kill him, and this time, make sure he's dead!"

Harry was surrounded, with pirates charging on all sides. Out of options, he let his new abilities do the talking, and they did so wonderfully. Pirates screamed as they crashed into everything and everyone, nobody seemingly able to harm Harry for too long. He clearly had changed; he struck like lightning, hit like a freight train, moved with all the grace of an Olympic acrobat. Blood splattered the walls, tables and chairs smashed under the weight of flying pirate, men shouted and screamed and fought until they couldn't. Finally, the noise stopped. Uma was too frightened by what she'd heard to leave until she was certain Harry was gone or dead. As he looked around the dining area, Harry's eyes took in a scene of horror and fury. They were all dead, dozens of them, killed by Harry's sword or their own impact with the floors, walls, and furniture. Harry's gaze suddenly transfixed on the blood dripping from his sword. Every fiber of his being hungered, a hunger he'd never felt before. At that second, he remembered Demina's warning, about the bloodlust and what would happen if he gave in. Harry screamed, his mind fighting against his body, until finally he sheathed the sword, putting the blood out of his sight. He stormed out without the slightest second thought.

Uma screamed when she finally saw the aftermath. Oh, her mother was almost certainly going to kill her for this - after she cleaned it up.

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